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Software Development Tools

Software Development Tools

Maps make websites more useful; they can help users find businesses and areas of interest, get directions, or gain insights into new communities. I...
1 total hour
26 total hours
教授专家快速编程的独家秘诀 课程内容: – 在一周到两周内精通主流的编辑器和IDE(Emacs, Vim, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, Sublime Text 3)的文...
26 total hours
2 total hours
This course has a Two-fold purpose: Create a course that can serve both to state the basics of geological knowledge and GIS data analysis. Both Geo...
2 total hours
4 total hours
GeoServer is an open source  server-side software written in Java that allows users to share and edit  geospatial data. It also provides great flex...
4 total hours
سنشرح فى هذا الكورس كيفيه إنشاء مشروع كامل يعمل على الويب والموبايل وهو مشروع عن شبكات المياه وبرمجته من الصفر للإحتراف ArcGIS Server & Esri ja...
17.5 total hours