The Geography of Globalization
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This course will explore the complexities related to globalization. It will examine the history of modern globalization, the critical ideologies, theories, and policies that helped to connect the world economies, and the impacts of globalization on culture, development, and the environment.
No textbook is required for this course.
The course is structured in a way that breaks down the concept of Globalization into fifteen (15) lectures (including the Introduction and Conclusion). Most lectures will be in video form and will have an organized PowerPoint to help frame each concept.
I believe this class will really provide perspective about our world, today. The human landscape has and continues to be shaped by the processes of Globalization, both in good ways and bad ways. After this course, you will understand the globalized world much better. I am confident that the lessons learned in this course can be applied at work, will support a deeper understanding of world issues, or just make you a more informed individual.
2What is Globalization?This lecture will introduce you to the subject of Globalization. This will include the key types of Globalization.
3History of GlobalizationThis lecture will explore historical examples of early human trade, the rise of colonialism, the Industrial Revolution, and early American industry.
4Critical Ideologies of the 20th CenturyThis lecture will examine various key economic philosophies that informed 20th century ideologies. These include discussions about classical and neoclassical economics, Keynesian economics, and neoliberalism.
5Least Cost TheoryThis lecture will reveal how industry tends to operate where they can be most profitable. Least Cost Theory will be examined both as an early theory and how it has been applied, over the past half century.
6World Bank, IMF, and NeocolonialismThis lecture will explore the global banking, finance, development, and credit systems that resulted from the 1944 Bretton-Woods Conference. The IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization are key discussions. But we will also examine "neocolonialism," or how the Americans continued a relationship of dependency, in the postcolonial era.
7Uneven Landscape of DevelopmentThis lecture will explore how economic development has not been even. There will be robust discussions about Wallerstein's World Systems Theory and how the Americans and Europeans became the architects and beneficiaries of modern Globalization, while other nations remain in abject poverty.
8GeopoliticsGeopolitics is a global chess game played by nations of power. This lecture will not only explore what geopolitics is, but provide real-life examples.
9Technology & Communication: Keeping the World MovingThis lecture will explore the technologies that enable the movement of goods and services around the world, as well as the communication and global positioning systems that support Globalization.
10Globalization and Population: A Demographic StudyThis lecture is the first in a new line of discussions about the outcomes of Globalization. Population trends (demography) is influenced by and sometimes drives tangible shifts in population. There will be discussions about "Demographic Transition," population measurements, and the distinguishing population characteristics of both developed and developing world nations.
11Culture and Globalization: Winners and LosersThis popular lecture will examine how Globalization has impacted the cultural landscape of the world. Many cultures face real pressures, after opening markets to the West. This lecture will discuss consumerism and marketing, the corporate landscape, and the rejection of Western culture.
12Changing Dynamics: The Rise of the BRICsBrazil, Russia, India, China, and now South Africa are changing the dynamics of Globalization. Whereas once the Americans and Western Europeans dominated and determined the global economic landscape, the BRICS now have great influence over the world economy.
13Environmental Problems of GlobalizationThis lecture will focus on the human behavioral aspects of Globalization, through the lens of Garret Hardin's, Tragedy of the Commons. It will explore how short term economic gains outweigh long term environmental effects, because people, corporations, and nations feel they are only a fraction of the problem.
14End of Globalization: Possible Causes, Probable OutcomesThis supplementary link is an illustrated lecture by David Harvey called "Crisis of Capitalism." It looks at Globalization through the lens of capitalism. Enjoy!
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