STAAD Pro Professional Course (Fresher to Experienced)
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

1. Basic Introduction to the STAAD Pro Software
Before we go Professional , this lecture series is intended to teach you about the very basics and advanced basics functions of the STAAD Pro software. You will start with learning modelling , Introduction to the Graphical user Interface , Repeat Commands , Beams, Plates , Solids etc.
Editor file is thoroughly explained with a small example of how it can be utilized to save time. The things taught is this lecture series shall serve as a kick start for the person who does not know anything about the STAAD Pro , but this shall also serve as a refreshment series for those who already know.
2. Linear Dynamic Analysis of School building as per IS 456, IS 875, IS 1893 and Detailing as per IS 13920
This is the only exclusive course on the web that is taking the practical case study of a building starting from Reading the Architectural Drawings and going all the way to Detailing in AutoCAD.
You shall start with learning how to read the Architectural Drawing of a School building and plan the location of RCC Columns. Next you shall learn how you can prepare the Analytical Model in STAAD. Wind and Seismic Load Definitions and Calculations are taught in great detail to help you understand how you can design wind and seismic resistant design structures. Response Spectrum Analysis is done for this model. Design and Detailing is done for this structure as per IS 456 and IS 13920:2016.
3. FEM Analysis and Design of Pad Eyes
STAAD Pro is an excellent FEM Analysis software , but user needs to understand how to do it correctly. You shall learn what are the practical aspects of Pad eyes , how they are used . You shall learn how you can prepare the FEM Model and read the stresses for designing after applying Loading on it.
4. Load Generation as per ASCE 07
In this lecture series , you shall learn how to Calculate the Snow Loads and assign its definitions in software. Wind Load is very difficult to understand in the beginning , but Author explains everything in bit sizes about its Auto generation in software. Special focus is given to explain about the Frequency determination i.e. Rayleigh Frequency and Modal frequency. This is the best series for those who are absolutely new to this software.
5. Linear Cable and Advanced Cable Analysis of the Structure
Cable elements used in STAAD are very useful when dealing with cable stayed bridges, suspension bridges, cable nets and guyed poles/towers etc. However, cables are very difficult to model and analyze because of their highly non-linear traits. Cables generally resemble thin steel wires or ropes that are very flexible, often undergoing large deflections. For these reasons, a linear-static analysis is not appropriate and can lead to extremely inaccurate results. STAAD provides us option to do the cable analysis of the Structure. Both Linear and Advanced Cable Analysis of the Structure is explained in this lecture series.
6. Linear Buckling Analysis of Structures
Linear Buckling Analysis is a very interesting concept ,which form the basis of design of many types of structural elements. You shall learn how to do buckling analysis of Column Manually. After getting your concepts cleared , you shall learn how to perform buckling analysis of I shaped Steel Girders , I shape Columns and Cooling Tower.
7. P-Δ Analysis of the Watch Tower Structure and Design as per IS 800
In structural engineering, the P-Δ or P-delta effect refers to the abrupt changes in ground shear, overturning moment, and/or the axial force distribution at the base of a sufficiently tall structure or structural component when it is subject to a critical lateral displacement. Towers are discussed in great detail. The results are compared of the model made with and without P-Delta Analysis. Design of the modelled structure is done as per Indian Steel Design Standard IS 800.
8. Non-Linear Static Analysis of Steel Structures (Pushover Analysis)
In this lecture series , Non-Linear Static Analysis of Steel Structure is done in the STAAD. The pushover analysis is taught in great detail in this lecture series. The modelling is done for a planar structure in STAAD. The pushover curved is generated and the results are ascertained.
1Introduction to STAAD Welcome Screen and Structure Wizard
In this lecture , you shall learn about the basics of the Welcome Screen and Structure Wizard Option.
2Introduction to GUI of STAAD , Local and GLobal Axis , Beam and Node Numbers etc
In this lecture ,you shall learn about the GUI options that are available in the STAAD. In addition , you shall learn about the Keyboard shortcuts , that are used to speed up the modelling process.
3Introduction to Basic Modelling, Cursors and Repeat Commands
In this lecture , you shall be introduced to the basic modelling of Beams , Plates and Surfaces. Translation and Circular Repeat Commands are also explained.
4Introduction to STAAD Editor
In this lecture , you shall learn about the most powerful tool of STAAD i.e. STAAD Editor. Basic programming in STAAD is explained, how nodes and beams can be modeled in the STAAD , without the help of GUI.
5Introduction to Circular Grids and Circular Repeat Options
Circular Grids and Circular Repeat commands are a very effective way to model the structure which have a repetitive curved geometry. You will model your first circular RCC Tank, with special tips on how to avoid common errors.
6Introduction to Releases and Diaphragm Specifications in STAAD
Students and Novice Engineers are always confused about how releases are applied , what are the concepts , why we assign releases etc. ?
All these questions are answered here in this short explainatory video.
7Introduction to Offsets Specifications and Modelling of Bracings
In this lecture , you shall learn what exactly do you mean by Offsets in a Structure. How the difference between physical and analytical model is reduced by offset commands?
Bracing modelling is also taught in the end.
8Modelling of Composite Deck, Plate Meshing and Parametric Modelling
In this lecture , you will learn about the rarely discussed topic of Composite Deck Sheet , Plate Meshing and Lesser known feature of the STAAD i.e. Parametric Modelling.
You will also learn about the Specifications options that can be assigned to the structural steel members, plates etc.
9Introduction to Local Axis of the STAAD
Local Axis and Global Axis concept is a very confusing concept , that is not even clear to practicing engineers. You will learn what is the difference in Local and Global axis. What exactly do you mean by the three colors i.e. Red, Blue and Green. What axis do each color denotes ?
10Introduction to Member Specifications , Assigning Properties and Coefficients
STAAD offers us various options to input various types of specifications for nodes, members and plates. The specifications may include compression member only , tension member only , inactive member, fire proofing , stiffness reduction factors etc.
These specifications are very important to assign in the building model. They shall serve as a bridge between Analytical Model and Physical model. The specifications are often missed by the new designers , as they don't have clear knowledge of how and when , we need to assign them.
11Introduction to Various Types of Foundations in STAAD
New Engineers often struggle to think what and how to assign pinned foundation or fixed foundation or allowing moment only along one axis etc. These words may be confusing for students , but in this lecture , it is clearly explained , how and where to assign , which type of foundations.
12Introduction to Various types of Loadings Types and their assignment
Various type of loading are available in STAAD. These Loading can be either Uniformly Distributed Loads, Point Loads , Nodal Loads , Moment etc. This lecture is to give you a brief idea of how these loading can be applied.
13Introduction to Floor Loading and Groups (Slab Loading)
The floor loads can be applied via various methods in STAAD. The loading needs to be applied in a particular manner and should be checked for its suitability and correctness.
The Group command in STAAD is the best friend of an engineer in the STAAD software. It makes the work much easier for the engineer to apply the floor loading as per the requirements. This section explains that command. Most of the new engineers apply floor loads with joint coordinates , which itself is a tedious task and chances of an error are very high. This method saves you a lot of time.
14Introduction to Floor Loads along the Horizontal Direction
The floor loading can also be applied along the horizontal direction to stimulate the wind loads. In this lecture , you will learn how horizontal floor loading can be applied.
15Introduction to Default Materials, Isotropic and Orthotropic Materials options
Various types of Materials are available in the STAAD. Some materials are available by-default while others can be customized. Isotropic and Orthotropic materials types can be added.
16Introduction to Pre Print and Post Print Analysis Commands
In this lecture , you shall learn what exactly are Pre Print and Post Print Commands , what is their significance etc. Preprint Analysis commands covers those parameters which can be given by STAAD without analysis, whereas post print analysis cover those parameters which can be given by STAAD only after Type of Analysis that shall be specified by the designer.
17Introduction to Analysis and "Post Processing Mode" to review the Results
In this lecture , you shall learn how to Perform the Analysis of a Structure.
I shall teach you how to view the results in the post processing mode . The results can be Shear Force Diagram ,Bending Moment Diagrams, Reactions , Displacement , Beam Stresses, Axial Forces etc.
18Basics of Wind Loads Guidelines as per ASCE07 and ATC Hazards
In this lecture , you shall learn how to review the RCC Building Wind Loads automatically as per ASCE07.You shall learn how to model the basic RCC Frame Structure and how to check the wind speed values on ATC Hazards Website .
In addition , the wind code guidelines as per ASCE 07 is explained.
19Auto Wind Load Generation on RCC Structure as per ASCE 07
In this lecture , you shall learn how to auto generate the wind load on any RCC Structure. The Auto generation option of Wind Load is utilized to generate the Wind Load.
20Reading Architectural Drawings of a School Building
This lecture series is started with reading Architectural Drawings. The Architectural Plans and Elevations are discussed in detail.
21Plan the location of Column in the School Building
In this lecture , you shall learn how can you do the planning of RCC Column sizes and locations on the Architectural Drawing.
22Modelling of School Building in STAAD
In this lecture , an analytical model has been prepared as per the Architectural Drawing. Tentative beam and column sizes has been considered. At the end of this lecture , you shall learn how you can model a full scale analytical model in the STAAD.
23Explaination of Live loading as per IS 875-Part 2 for School Building
In this lecture IS875-Part-2 and NBC 2016 is referred to assess the live loading values as per the Indian Standards for School building.
24Assign Section Properties and Stiffness Reduction factors for Beams and Columns
In this lecture , section properties. stiffness reduction factors and Releases are assigned to beams and columns. The Stiffness reduction factors as per IS 1893 is explained. The releases are also thoroughly explained. The Diaphragm option is thoroughly explained.Fixed Diaphragm are explained for RCC Structures.
25Define Wind and Seismic Definitions as per IS 1893 and IS 875
In this lecture , calculation is done to calculate the time period for seismic loading as per IS1893 and wind loading as per IS 875-Part3. The wind forces definition is entered along with the seismic forces definition in STAAD.
26Define Wind and Seismic Load Cases as per IS 875-3 and IS1893:2016
In STAAD , after defining wind and seismic definitions, you shall learn how to define the wind and seismic load cases as per IS 875-2.
The codes are also explained along with the option to define the seismic and wind load cases along all the directions.
27Calculation of Brick wall Dead Loads and Assignment of Loading on the Beams
In this lecture , Dead Loads for Brick Walls and Self weight of RCC Slab is estimated using self weight density as per IS 875-1.
28Calculation of Dead Loads for Slabs and Application of Dead Loads in STAAD
In STAAD , it is not necessary to model the RCC Slabs. You can apply the equivalent floor loading on the RCC Slabs to correctly transfer the loading to beams, columns and foundations.
The grouping option is taught in detail i.e. how it can be used to save lots of time and reduce the errors.
29Assessment of Live loads as per IS875-Part 2 and Application on Beams
In this lecture , IS 875-Part 2 is referred to assess the recommended live load values for a School building. The loading are applies on the STAAD with the help of group option.
Various tips are given to save time and to increase the output.
30Application of Equivalent Staircase Loading on RCC Beams
For low rise structures , it is not recommended to model the staircases. To transfer the loading for staircase , equivalent loading is applied on the beams. The calculation is done to calculate the equivalent UDL for Dead and Live Load cases.
31Define Response Spectrum, Load Combinations and Mass Source for Seismic Weight
This lecture starts with explanation of how you can define Response Spectrum Cases. You will move on to defining load combinations as per IS 875. Then at the end, you will learn how you can define the mass source.
After that , you shall learn how you can analyze the structure and check the seismic mode shapes for all modes. The mass participation factor is also explained.
32Define Design Parameters as per IS456 and Interpetet the results
Design Commands are explained in detail, and Results are assessed.
33Design and Detailing of Isolated footing as per IS456
In this lecture , Size of the Isolated footing is calculated and Design of Isolated footing is done as per IS456. Reinforcement detailing of structure is done in AutoCAD.
34Design and Detailing of Combined Footing as per IS 456
In this lecture , design of combined footing is explained in detail. How the sizing and bearing pressure is calculated considering the bearing capacity. How the shear force and bending moment diagram is taken care of and how the detailing of combined footing is done.
35Explaination of Indian Seismic Detailing Standard IS 13920:2016
In this lecture , Indian Seismic Detailing Standard i.e. IS 13920 is explained . The detailing of reinforcement must be done carefully in Seismic Active areas.
36Detailing of Column Main Reinforcement as per IS 456:2000 and IS1920:2016
In this lecture , main reinforcement bars are detailed and assessed as per the STAAD Calculations. Drawings are made in CAD and detailed explanation is provided herewith.
37Detailing of Column Ties as per IS 13920
Spacing of column ties plays a very important role in seismic force and hinge formation. Ties are spaced closely near the beam column junction.
Clauses of IS 13920 are explained and guidance is given on how you can detail the column with good practices.
38Detailing of Main Bars and Stirrups of Beams as per IS 456 and IS 13920:2016
Beams are tricky to detail in the beginning , but very detailed explanation is given to let you understand , how you can interpret the results of STAAD and how you can detail the beams main bars and stirrups to control the hinge formation.
39Design and Detailing of Slabs as per IS456
In this lecture , design of slabs is done as per IS456 and detailing is explained in CAD.
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