STAAD Pro Professional Course(Composite & Cold Formed)
- Description
- Curriculum
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1. Introduction to Steel and Composite Buildings
In this lecture , detailed introduction is given to make you familiar with the Steel Structures. Hot Rolled and Cold Rolled Steel Structures are discussed in great detail. Various practical examples with detailed pictures are explained.
2. Design of Composite Steel Platform Structure as per AISC 360
This is an exclusive lecture series on the internet that is guiding you on how to design the composite beams in STAAD as per AISC 360. You shall learn how to model the composite decks first. Then you shall learn how to assign dead, live , wind and seismic loads as per ASCE 07. Direct Analysis method is explained in detail. Then , you shall learn the difficult part of assigning the Design Parameters.
3. Design of Plate Girders as per AISC 360
Plate Girders are used in Bridges , Buildings etc. You shall learn how you can model the Plate girders in the STAAD with Lateral Diaphragms. You shall learn how to design the plate girders as per AISC 360. In the end , you shall learn how you can read the shear force and bending moment diagrams.
4-5. Linear Cable and Advanced Cable Analysis of the Structure
Cable elements used in STAAD are very useful when dealing with cable stayed bridges, suspension bridges, cable nets and guyed poles/towers etc. However, cables are very difficult to model and analyze because of their highly non-linear traits. Cables generally resemble thin steel wires or ropes that are very flexible, often undergoing large deflections. For these reasons, a linear-static analysis is not appropriate and can lead to extremely inaccurate results. STAAD provides us option to do the cable analysis of the Structure. Both Linear and Advanced Cable Analysis of the Structure is explained in this lecture series.
6-7. Design of Cold Formed Steel Structure as per American and Indian Design Standards
In this lecture series , Cold-formed steel (CFS) members structures are modelled to make various types of structural arrangement. Design of these structures is done as per American AISI and Indian IS 801 Design Standards.
8. P-Δ Analysis of the Watch Tower Structure and Design as per IS 800
In structural engineering, the P-Δ or P-delta effect refers to the abrupt changes in ground shear, overturning moment, and/or the axial force distribution at the base of a sufficiently tall structure or structural component when it is subject to a critical lateral displacement. Towers are discussed in great detail. The results are compared of the model made with and without P-Delta Analysis. Design of the modelled structure is done as per Indian Steel Design Standard IS 800.
1Introduction to Steel and Composite Buildings
Students are always scared of steel buildings , i.e. how to design them, how they are made etc.
All the questions are answered in great detail in this lecture.
2Introduction to Cold Formed Steel Structures
Hot rolled Steel and Cold Rolled Steel are two different materials , who are designed differently. In this lecture , cold formed steel structures are discussed in great detail.
3Introduction and Modelling of Composite Deck Platform
In this lecture , detailed introduction is given ti explain the users regarding the composite structures. The first stage model is prepared in STAAD Pro.
4Modelling of Deck Slab and Assigning Section properties with Releases
In this lecture , Deck Slab is modelled over the Steel beams. The properties are assigned to the Steel beams. The Releases are thoroughly explained for better understanding of the students. The bracing is also modelled and Double Channel property is assigned to it.
5Assigning Specifications, Releases and DIaphragm to the Structure
In this lecture , Specifications are assigned to the model. Releases and Diaphragm Specifications are discussed thoroughly. The specifications are very important to bridge the gap between physical and analytical model.
6Detailed Explaination of P-Delta and Direct Analysis Method
AISC guides the engineers about the Direct Analysis Method and P-Delta Analysis method. Instructor shall guide you in detail regarding the two aspects of Direct Analysis Method and P-Delta Method. Both Small and Big P-Delta are explained.
7Define and Calculate Seismic and Wind Loads as per ASCE 07 and ATC Hazards
Seismic and Wind loads can be detrimental for the structure. The instructor shall share in detail how you can access the wind and seismic load values for a particular city. The wind and seismic parameters are taken from ATC Hazards website.
8Define Load Cases and Load Combinations
In this lecture , Dead Loads , Live Loads, Snow Loads , Wind loads and Thermal Loads are assigned to the structure. Repeat Loads option is discussed in detail, and how it is better than load combination.
9Define Analysis and Composite Structure Design Commands
Design Commands are very difficult to understand for Composite Structures , but the Author has explained all the design commands in detail. You shall learn how you can enter the design commands as per the structure modelled.
10Analysing and Designing the Structure as per AISC 360 for Composite beams
In this lecture , you shall learn how you can analyze and design the structure as per AISC 360. Value engineering and Optimization is also taught in the end.
11Floor Vibration Analysis and Generation of Design Report
In this lecture , serviceability requirement of the platform structure i.e. vibration analysis is taught. The vibration analysis of the floor is very important for the composite beam serviceability design.
Design Report is also generated in the end.
12Deflection Check Concept i.e. DJ1 and DJ2 Design Command
There is much hype regarding how you can select the DJ1 and DJ2 commands. The author share in detail , how you can select the DJ1 and DJ2 commands to check the structure as per serviceability requirements of AISC 360.
13Introduction to Plate Girders
In this lecture , plate girders are discussed in great detail.
14Design of Plate Girders as per AISC 360
In this lecture , plate girders are modelled in the STAAD along with the lateral bracing. Loading , Analysis and Design parameters are entered. Bending moment and shear force diagrams are also studied.
15Introduction to Linear Cable Analysis and Cable Supported Structures
In this lecture , students are briefed about the cable supported structures. Theory is discussed in great detail with various references and formulae.
16Linear Cable Analysis of a Guyed Tower in STAAD.Pro
In this lecture , Modelling is done of a Guyed Tower supported with Cables. The forces are applied and the structure is analyzed in STAAD.Pro.
17Introduction to Lifting Arrangement and Basic Modelling of Suspended Arrangement
In this lecture , various lifting operation terms i.e. shackles, slings , lifting angle etc. are thoroughly explained. The basic model of a lifting arrangement is prepared.
18Advanced Cable Analysis and Extraction of the Results
In this lecture , loading is applied and results are extracted from the STAAD model. The advanced cable analysis is thoroughly explained.
19Modelling of Steel Structure Platform and Defining Load Cases, Combinations
In this lecture , Steel Structure Platform is modelled in the STAAD. Load Cases are defined along with Load Combinations.
20Defining Properties , Analysis and Design Parameters
In this lecture , Cold form Steel Structure Properties are defined as per the American Standards. Analysis and Design Parameters required as per AISI are assigned. The model is analyzed and designed. Results are assessed, and the members are optimized.
21Rearrangement of the Structural Model and Servicability Check
The Structural Arrangement of the model is changed , so that all the members are safe in the design. The members are redesigned. The results for the revised model are checked. The serviceability check is done in the end to check the deflection.
22Introduction to Various Types of Solar Panel and Mounting Arrangements
In this lecture , Solar panels Supporting Structure are given brief introduction. Various types of mounting arrangement i.e. Potrait , Landscape are explained in detail.
23Modelling of Solar Panel Supporting Structure , Properties Load Cases
In this lecture , Solar Panel Supporting Structure is modelled in the STAAD. Properties are assigned to the Members. The load cases are defined for the Dead, Live and Wind Load.
24Assignement of Dead Load, Live Loads and Wind Loads to the Model
In this lecture , Dead Load, Live loads and Wind loads are assigned to the model.
25Analysis and Design of Solar Panel Supporting Structure as Per IS 801
In this lecture , Analysis and Design parameters are assigned as per IS 801.
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