OpenFOAM Intermediate
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
The results are in – OpenFOAM can solve all the major industrial CFD problems that established competitors can. The power to design anything from jet airplanes and engines to pipes and heat exchangers is a simple download away. Unfortunately, as I learned the first time I used it, OpenFOAM has a very steep learning curve. Having learned the basics several years ago I quickly realised just how complicated CFD could get. Even though I knew how to set up a case and use blockMesh with some simple solvers it wasn’t always clear how to do realistic problems with knowledge of the basics. The principle difficulties were:
– Turbulence: all the really interesting flows included some aspect of this and it’s often more art than science!
– Meshing: simple meshes can’t account for fighter jet bodies or turbine blades, I knew there must be a better way.
– Mesh Behaviour and Convergence: without solutions with which to compare I never knew whether I could trust my results.
I made this course with my younger self in mind. It’s these things, among other tips and tricks, that gave me the most trouble in practice and which require the most experience/correct techniques to do well. The aim of this course, by its end, is to show you how to do this. There are many specialist topics that we can’t cover and to learn CFD to an industry standard (where salaries past $100,000 a year are not unusual) could easily span a PhD and many years experience. Even so, there are a few general skills you will need again and again when you face practical problems in CFD. If you can master these, in my experience, you can pick up a lot of the rest as you go and quickly acquire the skills that are already propelling modern engineering into the future.
This course is not a substitute for a degree in aerospace engineering or specialist consultancy, by purchasing this course you agree that the course instructor is in no way liable for any disputes, claims, losses, injuries, or damage of any kind that might arise out of or relate to the content of this course or any supporting communications between instructor and student.
3Intro 01
4Intro 02
5Intro 03
6Intro 04
7laplacianFoam 01
8laplacianFoam 02
9laplacianFoam 03
10laplacianFoam 04
11laplacianFoam 05
12laplacianFoam 06
13laplacianFoam 07
14potentialFoam 01
15potentialFoam 02
16potentialFoam 03
17potentialFoam 04
18potentialFoam 05
19potentialFoam 06
20potentialFoam 07
21potentialFoam 08
22scalarTransportFoam - a first look
23scalarTransportFoam 02
24scalarTransportFoam 03
25scalarTransportFoam 04 - simulation results
26scalarTransportFoam - the balance of convection and diffusion
31Turbulence Modelling Overview
32Turbulence Modelling DNS
33Turbulence Modelling RAS
34Turbulence Modelling LES
35Spalart-Allmaras - the aerospace solver
36Spalart-Allmaras - running the solver and results
37Spalart-Allmaras - examining results and boundary conditions
38Spalart-Allmaras - setting up Spalart-Allmaras
39k-Epsilon - setting up our case
40k-Epsilon - patches and initial conditions
41k-Epsilon - wind around buildings results prt 1
42k-Epsilon - wind around buildings results prt 2
43k-Omega - examining case files
44k-Omega - results and initial values
45k-Omega - initialising omega
46LES - setting initial conditions
47LES - setting up the mesh
48LES - examining results
51Meshing and when to use snappyHexMesh
52snappyHexMesh - first run
53snappyHexMesh - castellated mesh
54snappyHexMesh - snapping and boundary layer
55The snappyHexMeshDict file
56Making a sphere - building our geometry in Blender
57Meshing a sphere - importing geometry
58Meshing a sphere - managing imported geometry
59Meshing a sphere- surfaceTransformPoints
60Meshing a sphere - castillated mesh and snapping
61Meshing a sphere - boundary layers
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