Master Spatial Analysis using QGIS
- Description
- Curriculum
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1Introduction to the course
2Install and Activate Plugins
In this lecture you will learn how to manage and install plugins, using the OSM Tools as an example.
3Extract an Image from Google Earth Pro
By finishing this lecture you will be able to extract a raster from Google Earth Pro as well as the KML file containing markers to help us georeference that image in QGIS.
4Geo-reference an Image from Google Earth Pro in QGIS
This lecture is an explanation on how to use the markers or the coordinates to georeference a raster image. .
9Digitize a Map using a Shapefile Point
10Digitize a Map using a Shapefile Line
11Digitize a Map using a Shapefile Polygon
12Digitize a map using Advanced Digitizing Tools (1)
In this lecture learn how to use the Add Ring Tool, the Shape Digitizing Toolbar, Layer Properties, Add Part and Fill Ring.
13Digitize a map using Advanced Digitizing Tools (2)
Learn how to use a package of tools : Delete Ring Tool, Delete Part, Split Features, Reshape Feature Tool, Offset Curve, Split Tool and Merge Features.
14Preparing the Data to apply the Symbology
This lecture is an introduction to how to apply simple symbology to a shapefile polygon. How to digitize point and add features in the attribute table. Solve the problem of no permission to create a shapefile. And display labels on the map.
15Apply No Symbol or Single Symbol on a Shapefile Point
Learn how to apply no symbol, or Single Symbol on a Shapefile Point, including how to change the symbol the colorm the stroke style, the size according to a fixed value or to a variable values from a field in the attribute table. Work with complex shape (more than one under-mark)
16Apply a Categorized, Graduated and Rule Based Symbology
17Apply Advanced Point Symbology ; Point Displacement, Point Cluster and Heat Map
Learn how to Add a Delimited Text Layer. Move the overlapped points at a small distance through the Point Displacement tool. Adjust the distance between the points to put them under the same cluster through the Point Cluster tool. Create a Heat Map.
18Apply No Symbol or Single Symbol on a Shapefile Line
Learn how to display labels, without displaying its assigned shapefile. Be familirar with applying the single symbol and work with complex line symbols.
19Apply a Categorized or Graduated Symbology on a Shapefile Line
Apply the quantile, the Equal Distribution of the values with symbology. Create Different three Graduated categories and change the legend of the layer.
20Apply a Rule Based Symbology on a Shapefile Line
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