Complete Guide to the Fire & Smoke Simulation in Blender
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Hello everyone and welcome to the Mantaflow Fire & Smoke Simulation Guide! This course is for anyone wanting to learn about how to create realistic fire or smoke in Blender 2.82. With the introduction of Mantaflow it completely changed how the fluid simulation operates. That is why in the first section I will be showing you the basics and how it works.
After that we will be going through the domain and how every single setting and value effects the simulation. The next section is all about the different types of objects you can add to the simulation such as smoke, fire, collisions and more. We will also jump into the material and learn how to create realistic fire and smoke using the node editor.
There are 5 full tutorials in which we use the smoke and fire simulation to create some interesting animations. The first one is how to render realistic fire for still renders in Cycles! In this tutorial we will cover how to set up the simulation, create an interesting material and render out it! Following this we will learn how to render realistic fire in Eevee as well!
The second tutorial is all about creating realistic fire with sparks. Using an HDRI (high dynamic range image) to light the scene we will learn step by step on what it takes to create a simulation and how to add sparks!
There is also a swirling smoke animation. For this scene we use the curve modifier and learn how to animate a sphere following it. And we will learn how to properly render smoke in the real time render engine Eevee.
You like explosions right? Well you are in luck because there is another tutorial on that exact topic. For this animation we animate a sphere crashing onto the ground and exploding into multiple pieces.
Finally as a fun bonus section we will be creating low poly fire using the particle system. For this section we create a fancy material that changes the particle color as it rises into the air.
If you are interested in learning all about the smoke and fire simulation and how it works in Blender, hit that enroll button and let’s get started! I look forward to seeing what you create!
2Downloading Blender
In this video we will be learning how to download Blender. Very easy and anyone with knowledge of using a computer can skip this lesson.
3Saving Your Blender File
You should always be saving your Blender file when working with complex scenes. Blender can be a little bit unstable sometimes so saving is highly recommended.
4Blender 2.80 Basics
In this video I show the basics of Blender and how to get started learning the program!
5Mantaflow Simulation Basics
In this video we will be learning about the fire and smoke basics in Blender and how to get started.
6Quick Smoke Effect
Quick Smoke allows you to select any object and apply a quick smoke effect automatically. This will also create a basic domain where we can then tweak and change the settings to our liking.
7Domain Smoke Settings
In this video we take a look at the smoke behavior and how it effects the simulation in Blender 2.8!
8Smoke and Fire Options
Smoke flames are the values that change the height, speed, and density of the flames and smoke. And in this video I show you how it works.
9Adaptive Domain
Adaptive domain allows you to only bake in certain parts of the simulation. This can speed up bake times and render times.
10Adding Noise
Smoke Noise is a quick way to add lot's of detail to your smoke without going crazy high in the resolution.
11Guiding Domains
Guiding allows you to change the smokes velocity using an object or another simulation. In this video we take a fluid simulation and have the smoke follow it.
12Guiding Effectors
Guiding Effectors allow you to use an object to move the smoke in a certain direction.
With collections you can limit the flows or the collisions that a simulation will have.
14Baking Cache
The cache is where all the simulation data is stored and there is more to it than you might think.
15Field Weights
Field weights are the strengths of the force fields in your simulation. It allows you to have certain force fields have more power than others.
16Viewport Display
Viewport display allows you to change how the smoke looks in the view. This does not effect the render, only the viewport. You can create some interesting results using this panel in Blender.
17Flow Objects P1
The smoke type is pretty easy to understand. It emits smoke into your scene. In this video we take a look at the settings and exactly what they do.
18Flow Objects P2
The fire type emits fire into your simulation. There are a couple of settings that allow you to change how the fire looks and in this video we explore that.
The collision type is exactly how it sounds. It will act as a collision for the smoke. You can use this to block the smoke from entering a certain area or just to add some interest to the simulation.
20Flow Types
In this quiz you will be asked about the flow types in the smoke simulation in Blender!
21Create Your Own Simulation
22Importing OpenVDB in Blender
OpenVDB is a new way of storing volumetric data and in this video I show you how to import that data in Blender 2.83
23Smoke Material
In this video we learn how the material for the smoke works in the node editor.
24Fire Material
The fire material is pretty cool and you can create some interest colors and in this video I show you how it works.
25How to add 2 Different Colors of Smoke
In this video we create a simulation using two different colors of smoke. You can do this by going over into the node editor and changing the color attribute name to "color". This takes into account the inflow objects color rather than the principled volume color.
26Links to Resources
In the next 5 part series we will be creating a very realistic fire simulation and learning about adding sparks to the flames. This article contains a link to the HDR that we use in the tutorial.
27Setting up the Simulation
This 5 part series is a tutorial on creating a very realistic fire simulation. This first part is setting up the different values in the fire simulation to get it to look realistic.
28Creating the Sparks
Now that the fire simulation is done let's move onto creating the sparks using the particle system.
29Spark and Fire Materials
In this video we create a fancy particle material where it changes color while the particle rises.
30Lighting & Rendering
Finally we move onto setting up the lighting and rendering out an animation of fire with sparks in Blender!
31Screw & Curve Modifiers
In this video we use the curve and screw modifiers to get a UV sphere to follow a spiral.
32Simulating the Smoke
Now that the animation is finished we can move on to simulating the smoke.
33Rendering Smoke in Eevee
Finally the materials and rendering is the last step! In this video you will learn how to properly render smoke in Eevee!
34Explode Modifier Settings
In this video we set up the particle system and explode modifier for our simulation in Blender!
35Fire Simulation Settings
Now that we have our particle system done we will now set up the fire simulation for the explosion.
36Everything Else
In this video we create the materials for the fire and the particles.
37Creating the Particle System
In this video we start creating the Particle System for our low poly fire in Blender!
38Particle Material
In this video we will be creating the particle material and using an Object Info node to change the color as the particle rises.
39Rendering & Eevee Settings
In this video we finish out our low poly fire by setting up the Eevee render settings.
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