Learn PTC Creo 5.0 (Pro-e) - Basic to Advance Guide
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Creo (Pro-E) is a family or suite of design software supporting product design for discrete manufacturers and is developed by PTC.
Creo Parametric: The flagship application in the Creo Suite, Creo Parametric is the only software you need for 3D CAD and CAM. With Creo Parametric, you can seamlessly combine parametric and direct modeling; open non-native CAD data and collaborate with almost anyone thanks to Unite technology, and relax knowing all downstream deliverables will update automatically. Combine this range of capabilities with ease-of-use, and you have a product design accelerator.
2D CAD | 3D CAD | CAM | Simulation | Visualization | Analysis
Why Creo?
Our software doesn’t produce innovation: you do. But Creo can help by giving you powerful tools all within one environment as well as choice and flexibility in how you use them.
What can you design? One customer designed an artificial heart. Another created a 1.5 ton light sculpture. Maybe your next great product is that one on your desk.
Creo is best designed for Mechanical Engineer, Automobile Engineer. Mechatronics Engineer
SS eAcademy offers Complete training for Creo tutorials.
2Line Chain
There are two tools in Creo Parametric to create lines in the drawing; Line Chain and Line Tangent. The Line Chain tool is used to create a chain of lines. The procedure to create the line chains is describe in the video tutorial.
There is a list of four tools in Creo Parametric that are used to create rectangles :
Corner Rectangle, Slant Rectangle, Center Rectangle, and Parallelogram.Â
The procedure to create rectangles by using these tools is explain in the video tutorial.
The tools available in the Circle drop-down are used to create circle with various methods.Â
There are four tools available in the Circle drop-down;Â
Center and Point, Concentric, 3 Point, and 3 Tangent.Â
The procedures to create circles by these tools are explained in the video tutorial.
The tools to create arcs are available in the Arc drop-down.
There are five tools available in the Arc drop down :
3 Point/Tangent Arcs, Center and Ends, 3 Tangent, Concentric, and Conic.Â
The procedures to create Arc by these tools are explained in the video tutorial.
There are two ways to create ellipses in Cero Parametric :
By using axis ends and by using center and axis.
The procedures to create ellipses by both the methods are explained in the video tutorial.
The spline is a special geometry that can be modified to smoothen the curvature.Â
We can use spline to design aerodynamic bodies of automotive.
The procedure to create spline is explained in the video tutorial.
Fillet is removal of material at the sharp edges.
It is used to smoothen the edges and reduce the stress at the edges.
There are four tools in Creo Parametric to create fillets:
Circular, Circular Trim, Elliptical, and Elliptical Trim.Â
The procedure to create fillets by these four tools is same but the output is different. The procedure to use these tools is explained in the video tutorial.
The Chamfer tools are used to blunt the edges of parts for their easy handling and more importantly their easy fitting in assembly.
There are two tools in Creo Parametric for creating chamfers:
 Chamfer and Chamfer Trim.Â
The procedure to use these tools is explained in the video tutorial.
This is the tool of joy for everyone. Everybody wants to write something on paper, tree, and desk and so on. Mechanical engineers like to write on parts by using machines, like brand names.Â
Text tool in Creo Parametric allows us to write text on parts which later on will be machined by CAM.
The procedure to use the Text tool is explained in the video tutorial.
11Line Tangent
The Offset tool is used to create a copy of the selected entity at a specified distance.
The procedure to create offset entities is explained in the video tutorial.
The Palette tool is used to import or use already created entities.Â
The procedure to use this tool is explained in the video tutorial.
14Center line, Point and Co-ordinate System
Center Line
Center lines are the entities in Creo Parametric that are used to define a reference for creating sketch entities. When you will be creating solid models later in the book, you will get to know the importance of center line.
There are two tools to create center lines:
Center line and Center line Tangent.Â
The procedure to use these tools is explained in the video tutorial.
The Point tool as the name suggests is used to create points in the drawing area.Â
These points can later be used to reference other sketch entities.
The procedure to create points is explained in the video tutorial.
Coordinate system
Coordinate system is a reference for all the entities sketched in Creo. All the base dimensions are measured from coordinate system.
The procedure to place coordinate system is similar to Point tool.
15Divide use in any Sketch
The Divide tool is used to break the entity at the selected position.Â
We will need this tool later when we will be creating 3D features.
The procedure to use this tool is explained in the video tutorial.
16Grid and Line Style
17Editing Options
Editing ToolsÂ
In this video tutorial we will learn to edit the sketch entities.
The tools to perform editing are available in the Editing panel in the Ribbon.
We will learn about these tools one by one.
18Constraints Option
Vertical Constrain
 This constraint is used to make selected line as vertical. You can also make two points to share horizontal distance from a reference point.
Horizontal ConstrainÂ
This constraint is used to make selected line as horizontal. You can also make two points aligned horizontally.
Perpendicular ConstrainÂ
The Perpendicular constrain is used to make a line/entity perpendicular to the other entity.
Tangent Constrain
 The Tangent constrain is used to make two entities tangent to each other. The entities can be combination of line and arc, arc and arc, arc and circle, circle and circle, ellipse with arc, line, or circle and so on.
Mid-point ConstrainÂ
The Mid-point button is used to place the selected point at the middle of the other selected entity.
Symmetric ConstrainÂ
The Symmetric constrain, as the name suggests, is used to make entities sym-Â metric about a center line.
Equal ConstrainÂ
The Equal constrain is used to make dimension of two selected entities equal. Note that if one of the two entities is not constrained dimensionally then the first selected entity will be taken as reference and the other entity will be sized according to the first.
Parallel ConstrainÂ
The Parallel constrain is used to make selected two lines parallel to each other. Note that if one of the two entities is not constrained dimensionally then the first selected entity will be taken as reference and the other entity will become parallel to the first entity.
19Dimension Option
Dimension Option
Unlike other CAD packages, Creo Parametric has very compact tool box for dimensioning.Â
There are only four tools in Creo to dimension entities.
These tools are one by one discussed in the video tutorial.
20Inspect Option
21Introduction of Part
22Extrude Command - Sketch to 3D Object
Extrusion is a method of defining three-dimensional geometry by translating a two-dimensional sketch normal to the sketch plane, for a pre-defined distance or up to a specified reference. Use the Extrude tool to create a solid or surface feature, and to add or remove material. You can create the following extrusion types:
• Protrusion—Solid, Thickened
• Cut—Solid, Thickened
• Extruded surface
• Surface trim—Regular, Thickened
23Extrude Command - Sketch to 3D Object (In Plane)
24Extrude Command – Make Thicken Object of Sketch
25Extrude Command – Make a Surface Object from Sketch
26Extrude Command - Cut Out From 3D Object
27Extrude Command – Depth Option
28Extrude Command – Make Taper Object from 2D Sketch
29Extrude Command - Basic Example
30Sweep Command - Sketch to 3D Object
31Sweep Command - Cut Out From 3D Object
32Sweep Command – Advanced Features
33Swept Blend Command - Advanced Command
34Swept Blend Command
35Blend Command
36Revolve Command - Sketch to 3D Object
37Revolve Command - Cut Out from 3D Object
38Revolve Command - Basic Example
39Helical Sweep Command - Treading on 3D Object
40Helical Sweep
41Rotational Blend Command
42Toroidal Bend
43How to Draw Pully in Creo
44Divide Blend
45Practice Workbook
46Copy and Paste Command
47Hole Command - Create Simple Hole
48Hole Command- Standard and Custom hole Create
49Round Command- Part 1
50Round Command- Part 2
51Round Command- Part 3
52Round Command- Part 4
53Auto Round Command
54Chamfer Command - Apply at Edge of 3D Object
55Draft Command
56Variable Pull Direction Draft Command
57Shell Command
58Rib Command
59Trajectory Rib Command
60Cosmetic Sketch
61Cosmetic Thread
62Cosmetic Groove
63Warp Command
64Sketch Region
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