Learn AutoCAD Programming using VB.NET - Hands On!
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

This is an intensive course about VB.NET Programming in AutoCAD. There are lots of coding that will walk you through from creating a Project using Visual Studio 2019 to running your finished Plugin in AutoCAD.
You will learn how to use VB.NET very quickly by following all the videos or by coding along with every single method being developed.
By the end of the Course, you will have the confidence to create your own AutoCAD Plugin using VB.NET.
A simple and step-by-step way style of teaching in this course will be very helpful to absorb every concept of VB.NET Programming in AutoCAD.
1Course Outline
This will give you the course overview and quickly highlight topics of each of the section.
This provides the overview for this section.
3Who is this Course for?
This lecture describes who should take this Course.
4What will I learn from this Course?
This lecture lists out what the user will learn from this course.
5What is VB.NET?
This lecture describes what is VB.NET.
6What is AutoCAD .NET API?
This lecture discussed AutoCAD .NET API.
7What are the advantages of programming in AutoCAD .NET API?
This lecture discusses the advantages of programming in AutoCAD .NET API.
8Hands-on Projects overview
This video shows the 2 finished projects that will be developed in Section 9 - Hands On Projects.
9AutoCAD .NET API Components Overview
This lecture lists out the 3 major AutoCAD .NET APIs as well as the 3 main Objects (i.e. Application, Document and Database Objects)
10AutoCAD .NET API Assemblies
This lecture discusses about the 3 AutoCAD .NET API Assemblies (i.e. ACMGD, ACDBMGD, ACCOREMGD).
11Understanding AutoCAD Object Hierarchy
This lectures gives you the high level information of AutoCAD Object Hierarchy.
12AutoCAD .NET API Application Object
This lectures discusses Application Object in more detail.
13AutoCAD .NET API Document Object
This lectures discusses about the Document Object in detail.
14AutoCAD .NET API Database Object
This lectures discusses Database Object in detail.
15Section Overview
This video discusses about the topics in this section. This will also walk you through the process of downloading Visual Studio 2019.
16Installing Visual Studio 2019
This video will walk you through the installation of Visual Studio 2019. This will also guide you to create your first dummy project.
17Setting up Visual Studio 2019 Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
This video will guide you to setting-up your VS2019 IDE. You can choose from 4 different Color Theme depending on your preference.
18Creating First VB.NET Plugin (Hello AutoCAD)
This lectures will show you how to create your first AutoCAD Plugin using VB.NET.
19Different ways to communicate with the User
This lecture is a continuation of the previous lecture and this time it will show you how to display using the Alert Dialog.
20Configuring VS2019 Target Processor
This lecture will show you how to fix the mismatch warning message during code compilation.
21Creating AutoCAD Object using VB.NET Overview
This lecture gives you an overview of the Objects to be created in this section.
22Creating DrawObjects Project
This lecture will walk you through creating a new Project called DrawObjects.
23Creating a Line Object using VB.NET
This video walks you through creating a Line object using VB.NET.
24Creating a MText Object using VB.NET
This video walks you through creating a MText object using VB.NET.
25Creating a Circle Object using VB.NET
This video walks you through creating a Circle object using VB.NET.
26Creating an Arc Object using VB.NET
This video walks you through creating an Arc object using VB.NET.
27Creating a Polyline Object using VB.NET
This video walks you through creating a Polyline object using VB.NET.
28Creating Multiple Circles Vertically
This video walks you through creating multiple Circle objects vertically using VB.NET.
29Creating Multiple Circles Horizontally
This video walks you through creating multiple Circle objects horizontally using VB.NET
30Manipulating AutoCAD Objects Overview
This lecture gives you an overview of this section.
31Creating the Project ManipulateObjects
This video walks you through creating the ManipulateObjects project.
32Creating the SingleCopy Method
This video shows you how to develop the SingleCopy method.
33Creating the MultipleCopy Method
This video shows you how to develop the MultipleCopy method.
34Creating the EraseObject Method
This video shows you how to develop the EraseObject method.
35Creating the MoveObject method
This video shows you how to develop the MoveObject method.
36Creating the MirrorObject method
This video shows you how to develop the MirrorObject method.
37Creating the RotateObject method
This video shows you how to develop the RotateObject method.
38Creating the ScaleObject method
This video shows you how to develop the ScaleObject method.
39Creating the OffsetObject method
This video shows you how to develop the OffsetObject method.
40Exploring AutoCAD Dictionaries - Overview
This lecture shows the topics to be discussed in this section.
41Creating LayersLineTypesAndStyles Project
This video walks you through creating the Project LayersLineTypesAndStyles. This project will contain all the method for exploring Layers, LineTypes and TextStyles using VB.NET
42Creating the ListLayers Method
This video walks you through creating the ListLayers Method.
43Creating the CreateLayer Method
This video walks you through creating the CreateLayer Method.
44Creating the UpdateLayer Method
This video walks you through creating the UpdateLayer Method.
45Creating the SetLayerOnOff Method
This video walks you through creating the SetLayerOnOff Method.
46Creating the SetLayerFrozenOrThaw Method
This video walks you through creating the SetLayerFrozenOrThaw Method.
47Creating the DeleteLayer Method
This video walks you through creating the DeleteLayer Method.
48Creating the LockUnlockLayer Method
This video walks you through creating the LockUnlockLayer Method.
49Creating the SetLayerToObject Method
This video walks you through creating the SetLayerToObject Method.
50Creating the ListLineTypes Method
This video walks you through creating the ListLineTypes Method.
51Creating the LoadLineType Method
This video walks you through creating the LoadLineType Method.
52Creating the SetCurrentLineType Method
This video walks you through creating the SetCurrentLineType Method.
53Creating the DeleteLineType Method
This video walks you through creating the DeleteLineType Method.
54Creating the SetLineTypeToObject Method
This video walks you through creating the SetLineTypeToObject Method.
55Exploring TextStyles - Overview
This video gives you an overview of TextStyles topics and methods to be created.
56Creating the ListStyles Method
This video walks you through creating the ListStyles Method.
57Creating the UpdateCurrentTextStyleFont Method
This video walks you through creating the UpdateCurrentTextStyleFond Method.
58Creating the SetCurrentTextStyle Method
This video walks you through creating the SetCurrentTextStyle Method.
59Creating the SetTextStyleToObject Method
This video walks you through creating the SetTextStyleToObject Method.
60User Input Functions - Overview
This lecture gives you overview of the user input functions that will be used in the method that will be developed in this section.
61Creating the UserInteractions Project
This video walks you through in creating the UserInteractions Project.
62Creating the GetName Method
This video walks you through creating the GetName Method.
63Creating the SetLayer Method using the GetString function
This video walks you through creating the SetLayer Method.
64Creating the CreateLineUsingGetpoint Method
This video walks you through creating the CreateLineUsingGetpoint Method.
65Creating the CalculateDefinedArea Method
This video walks you through creating the CalculateDefinedArea Method.
66Creating the DrawObjectsUsingGetKeywords Method
This video walks you through creating the DrawObjectsUsingGetKetwords Method.
67Creating the GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints Method
This video walks you through creating the GetDistanceBetweenTwoPoints Method.
68Creating the CountObjects Method
This video walks you through creating the CountObjects Method.
69Selection Sets and Filters - Overview
This lecture provides the user a high level overview of Selection Sets and Filters.
70Creating the SelectionSets Project
This video walks you through creating the SelectionSets Project in VB.NET
71Creating the SelectAllAndChangeLayer Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectAllAndChangeLayer Method.
72Creating the SelectObjectOnScreen Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectObjectOnScreen Method.
73Creating the SelectWindowAndChangeColor Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectWindowAndChangeColor Method.
74Creating the SelectCrossingAndDelete Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectCrossingAndDelete Method.
75Creating the SelectFenceAndChangeLayer Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectFenceAndChangeLayer Method.
76Creating the CountPickFirstSelection Method
This video walks you through in creating the CountPickFirstSelection Method.
77Creating the SelectLines Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectLines Method.
78Creating the SelectMTexts Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectMTexts Method.
79Creating the SelectPlines Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectPlines Method.
80Creating the SelectWalls Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectWalls Method.
81Creating the SelectStairs Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectStairs Method.
82Creating the SelectFrenchDoors Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectFrenchDoors Method.
83Creating the SelectBifoldDoors Method
This video walks you through in creating the SelectBifoldDoors Method.
84Creating CountReceptacles Method
This video walks you through in creating the CountReceptacles Method.
85Creating the CountLightingFixtures Method
This video walks you through in creating the CountLightingFixtures Method.
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