Interactive maps with Mapbox!
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

This course is a wide survey of using Mapbox in modern web applications. It covers everything you need to know: finding and formatting data, styling and understanding the web interface of Mapbox Studio, and building truly responsive and complex web maps using the modern Mapbox GL JS.
This course assumes you come with little knowledge of programming and geographic information, and there are videos to walk you through each step. You’ll learn to create big, beautiful custom maps and all the different ways your users can interact with those maps.
This course was made with a slightly different interface from what Mapbox Studio uses today, but the concepts are still recognizable and you will do well to get a strong grasp on Mapbox through this course. This is a solid foundation for building online web maps, or even making a move into building mobile apps with Mapbox, although we don’t go over that specifically in this course.
It’s going to be a great time! Let’s get mapping!
Just a note: this course is a bit old, and I don’t use Udemy a lot, so I won’t always be available to respond to questions here in Udemy. If you have a question, please email me at to get a quick response!
1Course Introduction
Get to know your instructor and what we'll be covering in the course.
2Choosing a Map API
We go over some different mapping APIs, strengths, weaknesses, and the differences between them.
3Mapbox Strengths & Weaknesses
So, we're going with Mapbox! Why use it over other maps? What's hard about it?
4Mapbox GL JS Introduction
The crowning glory: Mapbox GL JS. What makes it special-er than other mapping APIs?
5Introduction to Data
What are the common data formats and file types that you'll find online and use for Mapbox? This episode goes over general data information when it comes to geography.
6Finding Data I
Data can come in a few flavours, but most data is either static (relatively unchanging) or dynamic (from an API or a live source). This and the following episode go over some examples of finding and working with data online.
7Finding Data II
Data can come in a few flavours, but most data is either static (relatively unchanging) or dynamic (from an API or a live source). This and the previous episode go over some examples of finding and working with data online, including Open Street Map exports.
8Intro to Mapbox Studio
Datasets can come into Mapbox as geoJSON or CSV. They have to have specific formats that Mapbox can be very strict about, and they have size limits as well.
This video goes over the Mapbox interface for editing datasets. See the previous video for more information about datasets more generally.
Datasets generally represent geoJSON data uploaded to Mapbox, or created inside the Dataset editor. This episode goes over the interface and concept briefly.
Tilesets are pre-rendered collections of vector data generated from datasets or uploaded on their own. There are many data formats allowed, and specific size formats.
Tilesets can be a little confusing, since you can't edit the data much directly, but you can style it and use the data in your analyses. Zoom levels may be restricted, we will touch on that in later episodes.
11Data Formatting
There's tons of things that can go wrong with your Mapbox uploads -- size, complexity, zoom extent, and more. GeoJSONs and shapefiles need to be manipulated at times as well.
12Zoom & Simplification
Zoom extent in particular is a problem for many people new to Mapbox maps. This episode shows you a few strategies for making sure your shapes show up at all zoom levels.
13Mapbox Studio Classic
Mapbox Studio Classic is deprecated, but it can still be useful and sometimes even Mapbox recommend you use it. You can print, upload huge files and style them, and do a lot more, but it can be a little old at times!
14Introduction to a Mapbox Style
What is a Mapbox Style? How do you navigate in the interface? This episode gets you introduced to the Studio tool and its complexities.
15Layers & Simple Line Styling
Learn a bit about how to interact with layers, add and hide them, and style line features.
16Breakpoints & More Line Styling
Learn more about Mapbox Studio breakpoints when styling at zoom levels. More complex line styling also included here.
17Label, Text & Symbol Styling
Learn how to style markers, symbols, and text in Mapbox Studio.
18Fill/Polygon Styling
Learn some of the ways to style and change polygons or fills.
19Creating Filterable Data
How do you set up your geoJSON so you'll be able to style different features differently? This episode shows you how to create a dataset in Mapbox for filtering.
20Styling & Filtering Data by Properties
Filtering data inside Mapbox Studio is really useful for "splitting up" data layers by shape or property.
21Getting Started in GL JS
Learn how to load up a GL JS map and setting some basic options.
22Intro to Data in GL JS
It takes a little while to understand how data connects between Mapbox Studio and GL JS. This lesson begins to explain that connection!
23Sources and Layers: Vector, JSON sources
Learn to add geoJSON sources as well as vector layer sources to your map, and how to interact with them.
24Sources and Layers from Styles
Access sources and layers loaded in your Mapbox Style.
25Styling Existing Layers in GL JS
Solidify your knowledge of the connection between GL JS and Studio by learning to style in both places. Learn a little about text styling as well in GL JS.
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