Google Maps JavaScript API for beginners
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Did you want to integrate Google Map in your Websites or Mobile application like Android,IOS and don't no how to integrate and create programs in Google Map by using Google Map JavaScript APIs.
"This is a perfect startup guide for YOU"
This conceptual Course is designed to let you quickly start exploring and developing applications with the Google Maps API. This 45 minute tutorial contains videos with complete explanation of Google Map APIs and guide you from the scratch to create google map application and integration of google map apps in your websites or Android / IOS application.
This course structured in a Video format tutorial and at the end of each section source code is included for future reference.
Take this course if you want to have a good startup in Google Map JavaScript API or want to integrate Google Map in your Websites/Android/IOS apps.
4Introduction to Google Map JavaScript API
5Obtaining API Key
6Initialize a Simple Map
7Loading Google Map API
8Initializing Google map
9Run Simple Google Map
10loadScript function with mapoptions object
11Adding Button event to Load Google Map
12Using input element for locating location coordinates in Google Map
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