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Geotechnical Engineering course Level 1

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13 Students enrolled
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Geotechnical Engineering course

this course is for civil engineers, students, and structural engineers who interested in learning about geotechnical engineering

 Level 1

 Geotechnical Properties of Soil:

1- Geological Soil ( classification, types, description, properties, and physical relations ).

2- Water in soil ( subsurface water, flow of water, darcy’s low, coefficient of permeability, flow nets, seepage analysis, piping, filter design, total and effective stresses, earth dams).

3- Shear strength ( friction, cohesion, mohr circle, mohr-coulomb theory, shear parameters calculations, triaxial test, soil behavior under shear, sensitivity, and activity of clay, residual strength).

4- Stress analysis ( stress-strain relationships, stresses due to different loads, bulbs of pressure, shear stresses, contact pressure ).

5- Stability of slopes ( shear strength parameters, stability analysis of “infinite and finite slopes “, slopes design methods, slopes protection and treatment).

6- Earth pressure ( coefficients of earth pressure, methods of calculating earth pressure).

7- Compaction of soil.

8- Settlement in soil ( elastic settlement due to “concentrated load-area load-circular or irregularly shaped load – consolidation ).

9- Bearing capacity of the soil.

 Level 2

 Site Investigation, Subsurface

Exploration and Geotechnical Report:

1- General requirements.

2- Information required from site investigation.

3- Boreholes layout.

4- Exploration in soils and rocks.

5- Groundwater.

6- Geotechnical problems must be taken into consideration.

7- Field tests.

8- Laboratory tests on soils and rocks.

9- Data must be included in the soil report.

10- Prepare a geotechnical report.

11- Foundation properties of soil types.

12- Foundation properties of rock.

13- Important topics.

 Level 3

 Shallow Foundation Design:

1- Isolated footing.

2- Combined footing.

3- Strap-beam footing.

4- Wall footing.

5- Strip footing.

6- Project “ 5 stories building-foundation “.

7- Raft foundation.

8- Project “ 10 stories building-foundation”.

 Level 4

 Deep Foundations and Basement Design:

1- Piles.

2- Piled Raft.

3- Project “ 15 stories building-foundation”.

4- Pile cap.

5- Project “ bridge foundation ”.

6- Deep shaft foundations.

7- Buoyancy rafts and basements

8- Drag-down effects on deep foundations

9- Buoyancy raft foundation

10- Basement “box foundations”

11- Piled basements

12- Project “ 3 underground basements”

13- Geotechnical design report

14- Technical report “ case study -check on foundation report-”

 Level 5

 Retaining Structures And Deep Excavation:

1- Conditions of the adjacent properties.

2- Confirmation of the conditions of the site.

3- Design criteria.

4- Cantilever retaining walls.

5- Counterfort retaining walls.

6- Sheet pile retaining systems.

 Steel sheet pile.

 Secant piles.

 Tangent piles.

 Diaphragm walls.

7- Soldier piles.

8- Soil nails wall.

9- Full open cut.

10- Braced excavation.

11- Anchored excavation.

12- Strutting systems.

13- Top-down construction.

14- Stability analysis “ very important”

15- Excavation and protection of adjacent buildings.

 Level 6

 Design Of Dewatering Systems:

1- Methods of dewatering.

2- Open sumps

3- Deep wells

4- Well points

5- Confined aquifers

6- Unconfined aquifers

7- Pumping tests

8- Selection of dewatering method

9- Determination of hydraulic parameters

10- Determination of the capacity of wells

11- Estimation of the number of wells

12- Dewatering and ground settlement “very important”

 Level 7

 Foundations On Week Soils:

1- Collapsible soil

2- Definition and types of collapsible soil

3- Procedure for calculating collapse settlement

4- Foundation design in soils not susceptible to wetting

5- Foundation design in soils susceptible to wetting

6- Expansive soils

7- Nature of expansive soils

8- Swelling test

9- Foundation consideration

10- Construction on expansive soil

11- Sanitary landfills

12- General nature of sanitary landfills

13- Settlement of sanitary landfills

 Level 8

 Soil Improvement And Groundation Modification:

1- General principles of compaction

2- Empirical relationships for compaction

3- Field compaction

4- Vibroflotation

5- Blasting

6- Precompression

7- Sand drains

8- PVD

9- Lime stabilization

10- Cement stabilization

11- Fly-Ash stabilization

12- Stone columns

13- Sand compaction piles

14- Dynamic compaction

15- Jet grouting

16- Deep mixing

 Level 9

 Advanced Soil Mechanics And Foundation Design:

1- Soil dynamics

2- Design of machine foundations “ vibration – impact-earthquake”

3- Cofferdams “ components, dimensions, stability”

4- Geotextiles

5- MSE walls

6- Bridges foundations

7- Bridges on land

8- Bridges over water

9- Tunnels “ construction and design “


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دورة هندسة التربة و الأساسات

geotechnical engineering course

مجال الهندسة الجيوتقنية هو أحد أهم المجالات الهندسية يختص بالأعمال التالية :

1- أعمال إستكشاف الموقع و إجراء الإختبارات علي التربة و إعداد تقرير التربة و توصيات التأسيس

2- تصميم الأساسات السطحية و العميقة

3- تصميم الموني

4- تصميم الأنفاق

5- أعمال تحسين التربة

6- أعمال الحفر و السند

7- أعمال النزح

8- أعمال البنية التحتية


تغطي هذه الدورة كافة هذه المواضيع من الناحية التنفيذية و التصميمية حيث ستشتمل علي دراسة طرق التنفيذ لمختلف الأعمال و كذلك طرق التصميم حسب الأكواد المختلفة ECP-AASHTO-FHWA-ACI

بالإضافة الي إستخدام مختلف البرامج الهندسية الجيوتقنية و الإنشائية في هذه الدورة مثل PLAXIS 2D – PLAXIS 3D – ALLPILE – SLIDE –WALLAP-MIDAS GTS NX- GEOSTUDEO- CSI SAP -CSI SAFE -CSI ETAPS

و يراعي أن هذه الدورة دورة ضخمة جدا نظرا لما تحتوية من مواضيع سيتم سردها علي المستوي العلمي و العملي و طرق التصميم اليدوي و استخدام البرامج المختلفة للوصول لفهم كامل لهذه المواضيع

تتكون هذه الدورة من 9 مستويات مختلفة تبدء من بداية تعريف التربة وصولا إلي الأعمال التصميمية المتقدمة

بحيث مع إنتهاء كل مستوي يصل المهندس لإتقان كامل و تام لمهارات المهندس الجيوتقني من الناحية الفنية و التصميمية و كذلك يتمكن المهندس الإنشائي من إستكمال الرؤية التصميمية بحيث يجمع ما بين النظرية الفلسفية للتصميم الإنشائي في إطار ضوابط الهندسة الجيوتقنية .

مهندس مصطفي مجدي



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