Digital Transformation - Practitioner
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

A complete professional level Digital Transformation course on Udemy!
You’ll learn insights and knowledge that top digital transformation consultants and leaders use to create successful digital transformations.
From understanding digital transformation to what makes digital transformations successful, from the digital transformation framework to digital transformation technologies (including AI, IoT and Robotics), from agile ways of working to design thinking.
I also teach about the culture needed for digital transformation success.
You’ll learn advanced practitioner level skills to do things like:
Explain how innovation works, and the key factors that drive disruption across a wide range of industries
Deal with resistance to change and making digital transformation happen
Understand and create your own digital transformation roadmap – across key phases like Discovery, Vision, Strategy and Execution
Apply the power of Agile Ways of Working (AWOW) along with great culture and learn how important it is to apply agile methodology in digital transformation
Establish the foundations for creating strategies – both for Digital Transformation Delivery and Execution
Apply design thinking to unlocking incredible customer value
Understand and explain the value proposition of a wide range of digital technologies including: Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Robotics, Data & Analytics, Virtual & Augmented Reality and Quantum computing
Identify cybersecurity risks in digital transformation and apply strategies to deal with them
Understand the proven techniques that leading organizations use, which you’ll discover through a wide range of case studies including: DBS, Uber Eats, Airbnb, Starbucks and BBVA.
Be a confident team member or leader in any digital transformation across a wide range of industries including: IT, Financial Services, Retail, Logistics, Government, Engineering & Manufacturing
This course will equip you with the knowledge and skills to standout when it comes to digital transformation career opportunities. Plus you get access to a discord community of like minded digital transformation professionals along with a dedicated chatbot – which will answer questions on the course, and help you grow your skills in digital transformation.
You get access to personally crafted lectures, detailed lecture summaries, assignments to challenge you, and curated resources to help progress your knowledge – all from a leading instructor on Udemy in digital transformation.
My courses in digital transformation are used, and in some cases mandated, by many organizations in banking, energy, manufacturing, technology consulting and government who actually make this a part of their mandatory annual learning!
What’s included in the course?
High-Quality Video Lectures: where you’ll learn about digital transformation…this isn’t about confusing you with jargon, but creating a learning environment where you can learn the fundamentals of digital transformation.
Downloadable Handouts & Resources: which will help you to enhance your understanding and retention of the key concepts.
Quizzes and Assignments: to help validate your learning and help you develop practical skills in digital transformation.
Lifetime Access with NO Expiration: so you can learn at your own pace, and you can come back at any time you feel unsure or you need a refresher.
What ELSE is included in the course?
Lecture Summaries: an easy to understand wrap up of each lecture to help you round out your knowledge on each topic.
Completion Certificate: Your Udemy Certificate of Completion – which you can share on LinkedIn and get recognized for mastering this highly valued skillset.
Discord Community: A community of like minded professionals, including further learning opportunities, networking and potential opportunities & roles.
DX Chat AI – a dedicated AI DX coach and expert helping you with the course content and beyond as your expert DX adviser.
Students accelerate their careers after understanding digital transformation!
· 20% have started a new career after completing this specialization.
· 18% have received a pay increase or promotion.
Understanding and applying the concepts taught in this course can help you accelerate your career too.
Right now, there are 100,000s of job listings worldwide that are looking for digital transformation professionals – across product, technology and management, that pay on average $140,000+ year.
Digital transformation consultants can earn upwards of USD 10,000 per day.
Demand for digital transformation professionals is hot – 52% of jobs require digital transformation skills.
But how exactly do you get into digital transformation?
There are definitely no degrees in digital transformation or formal certifications, and courses online just scrape the surface. They don’t provide real, practical and proven digital transformation techniques. Most folks working in digital transformation, like me, have built up their skills over many years of hard work in technology and management.
Well that’s where I can help you. You’ll get up to date, practical and proven digital transformation skills and knowledge from a seasoned insider with 20+ years experience.
The kind of skills and knowledge that can help you land a job in digital transformation or help you grow your current knowledge of digital.
Students aren’t required to know anything beforehand. All you need is enthusiasm and an inquisitive mind. I’l teach you the fundamentals and how to apply them, to help you master digital transformation.
1Course Overview
Don't forget to join the Discord community and access DX Chat AI - your dedicated AI digital transformation coach and expert helping you with the course content and beyond as your expert DX adviser. Details in the resources for this lecture!
2First Activity
Before you get started on the course, let's do some preparation first.
3What Is Digital Transformation?
this lecture you'll understand what digital transformations are, and how they are different to transformations.
4Digital Transformation vs Innovation
Let's explore the difference between digital transformation and innovation.
5Why Is Digital Transformation Important?
In this lecture we'll explore disruption and how digital transformation creates future viability for organizations.
6Understanding Digital Transformation
Time to test your knowledge of digital transformations!
7Understanding Value
In this lecture we explore the importance of value - which encompasses customer and employees, in a digital transformation.
8How Do You Succeed?
In this lecture I'll take you through how digital transformation success is achieved.
9How Do You Fail At Digital Transformation?
In this lecture I'll take you through the common reasons why digital transformations fail.
10Resistance To Change
In this lecture we'll explore the drivers behind resistance to change and a strategy to deal with this in digital transformation.
11How Mature Is Your Digital Transformation?
12Resistance To Change
13The Power Of Disruption - Netflix
In this lecture you'll learn how Netflix, a small startup, displaced a massive competitor, and help create the movie streaming subscription we know today.
14The Power Of Disruption - Nokia
In this lecture you'll learn the reasons why Nokia, who were the darling on the mobile phone industry, were displaced by Apple, starting in 2007.
15More About Digital Transformation
Time to test your knowledge of digital transformation!
16Digital Transformation On A Page
In this lecture you'll understand at a high level, the digital transformation framework.
17Two Types Of Strategy
In this lecture we'll explore the key differences in the two types of strategies you need to create in a digital transformation - the delivery strategy and the execution strategy.
18Understanding Business Models
Business models are a focus point in digital transformation. In this lecture we'll explore more on business models, what they are made up of and why they are important in digital transformation.
19Strategy - Delivery
In this lecture you'll learn about the role of a delivery strategy in digital transformation, and develop a high level understanding of what is normally captured into this type of strategy.
20DX On A Page, Delivery Strategy & Business Models
Time to test your knowledge of digital transformation!
In this lecture you'll learn about the role of a vision in digital transformation, why 'Vision Statements' are important and the secret way that digital transformation leaders reinforce their vision. We also go through the process of creating a vision statement.
22Innovation Hub
In this lecture we'll explore the role and work of an innovation hub in digital transformation.
23(Optional Lecture) Why Innovation Is All About People Rather Than Bright Ideas
Time to hear from: Alexandre Janssen where he talks about who people are at the heart of innovation. While this is an optional lecture, I do encourage you to invest the time in learning about the role of people in innovation.
24Strategy - Execution
In this lecture we'll explore the purpose of the execution strategy, and why it's mandatory, and how it's different to a delivery strategy.
25Culture - Part One
In this lecture we explore another key enabler for digital transformation: Culture.
26Culture - Part Two
In this lecture, we continue our exploration of that vital topic for digital transformation: Culture.
27Vision, Innovation Hub, Strategy - Execution and Culture
Time to test your knowledge of digital transformation!
28Psychological Safety
Time to hear from Amy Edmonson where she talks about psychological safety and shares 3 simple things people can do to foster psychological safety. This is a good lecture to watch, as the assignment that follows requires you to have watched this lecture.
29Psychological Safety
30Schneider's Matrix
31Agile Ways Of Working - Part One
In this lecture we'll explore the vital role that Agile Ways Of Working (AWOW) plays in digital transformation.
32Agile Ways Of Working - Part Two
In this lecture, we'll continue our exploration of Agile Ways Of Working (AWOW).
33Agile Ways Of Working
34Digital Transformation Hub
In this lecture we'll explore digital transformation hubs (or DX Hubs for short).
In this lecture we explore the importance of measuring performance in digital transformation and the range of measures that should be considered based on best practice.
36Agile Ways Of Working. DX Hub and Measure
Time to test your knowledge of digital transformation!
37DX Circle
In this lecture we'll explore the DX Circle, the engine room of digital transformation.
In this lecture we'll explore decision, and important role the DX Leadership Group have in guiding a digital transformation through the DX Circle and the Delivery Strategy.
39DX Circle and Decision
Time to test your knowledge of digital transformation!
40What Is Design Thinking?
In this lecture we'll explore the concept of design thinking, why good design matters and understand the value that can be generated through design thinking.
41How Design Thinking Works
In this lecture I'll take you through the 5 phases of design thinking, who can use design thinking and why design thinking is considered to be a value multiplier.
42Case Study: Airbnb
In this lecture you'll learn about Airbnb's journey with design thinking.
43Case Study: BBVA
In this lecture you'll learn about BBVA's journey with design thinking.
44Case Study: Uber Eats
In this lecture you'll learn about Uber Eat's journey with design thinking.
45Design Thinking
46Design Thinking
Time to test your knowledge of digital transformation!
In this lecture we'll explore architecture (of the technology kind).
48High Level Architecture Canvas
In this lecture we'll explore the conceptual components that are common in technology used in digital transformation.
49Data & Analytics
In this lecture I'll introduce you to data & analytics, the value it adds to digital transformation, and a high level view of the architecture.
50Data & Analytics - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of data & analytics to real life use cases in digital transformation.
In this lecture I'll take you through mobile technology, explain the fundamentals of the technology, and a high level view of the architecture.
52Mobile - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of mobile technology to real life use cases in digital transformation.
53Data and Mobile
Time to test out your knowledge of digital transformation!
In this lecture I'll take you through cloud computing, explore the different categories and types of cloud that now exist, as well as a high level view of the architecture.
55Cloud - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of cloud computing to real life use cases in digital transformation.
56IoT & Industry 4.0 + Beyond
In this lecture I'll take you through Internet of Things, the range of sensors and devices typically used and a high level view of the architecture. We'll also explore what Industry 4.0 is, and the future from Industry 5.0 through to Industry 6.0.
57IoT - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of IoT to real life use cases in digital transformation.
58Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In this lecture I'll help you understand more about artificial intelligence (AI), some of the types of AI that are creating real excitement in digital transformation and a high level view of the architecture behind AI.
59AI - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of AI to real life use cases in digital transformation.
60Creating Value With AI
61Cloud, IoT & AI
Time to test out your knowledge of digital transformation!
In this lecture I'll help you understand more about blockchain, the key components that make up a blockchain, and a high level view of the architecture behind blockchain.
63Blockchain - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of AI to real life use cases in digital transformation.
64Quantum & Edge Computing
In this lecture I'll help you understand more about both quantum computing and edge computing, and a high level view of the architecture behind both technologies.
65Quantum Computing & Edge Computing - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of quantum and edge computing to real life use cases in digital transformation.
66Blockchain and Quantum & Edge Computing
Time to test out your knowledge of digital transformation!
In this lecture I'll help you understand more about robotics, and a high level view of the architecture as it works today.
68Robotics - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of robotics to real life use cases in digital transformation.
69Virtual & Augmented Reality
In this lecture I'll help you understand more about virtual and augmented reality, and a high level view of the architecture.
70Virtual & Augmented Reality - Use Cases
In this lecture we'll explore the application of virtual & augmented reality to real life use cases in digital transformation.
71Understanding Cybersecurity
In this lecture I'll introduce you to cybersecurity, including exploring cybercrime and the techniques that criminals (including organized crime) will use to steal data and make money.
72Cybersecurity & Digital Transformation
In this lecture, extending on what we explored in the Lecture: Understanding Cybersecurity, I'll take you through the application of cybersecurity and cybercrime risk management to digital transformation.
73Robotics, Virtual & Augmented Reality and Cybersecurity
Time to test out your knowledge of digital transformation!
74Digital Technologies
In this lecture, you'll learn about DBS's Digital Transformation, and the key techniques and lessons learned in turning this bank around from one of Singapore's underperforming banks into a case study of digital transformation in Asia.
In this lecture you'll learn about Starbuck's approach to innovation and their current work in AI with their Deep Brew solution.
In this great case study, we'll explore the UK's Government Digital Services and some of the lessons learned from their digital transformation activities.
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