BIM Training
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BIM Training. The rollout of BIM (Building Information Modelling) across the built environment industry is continuing apace. Obtain the knowledge and develop the skills to meet the current and forthcoming requirements with BIM Training Course.
This is a beginners training course in the management principles for Building Information Modelling (BIM) projects.
Looking to redirect your career by managing BIM projects? Or maybe you’re seeking career enhancement in your current firm or want to become more competitive in the job market. Be one of the first to understand the requirements to operate BIM.
The BIM Training course is one of THE most comprehensive, cost-effective BIM courses you’ll find on the web.
It’s a one-stop-shop for everything you need to start putting together professional building information management systems that engage clients and other construction industry professionals, call them to action, and ultimately boost your career in this new and increasing used area!
If you’re looking for a genuinely effective course that equips you to understand BIM and enhancing your career in the process, this is guaranteed to be the number one course for you.
By outlining the fundamentals of Building Information Modelling (BIM), these tutorials provide clear road map for construction and design practitioners eager to learn the requirements to operate and work in this environment. Understand BIM’s drivers and impacts, key standards, and how to implement it to achieve your projects objectives.
1Topics Covered and Learning Objectives
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial introduces the learning objectives and the topics covered.
2What does BIM mean to you?
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial examines wider misconceptions about BIM.
3What is BIM?
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial examines the true meaning of BIM and defines the subject, setting out the requirements.
4What is BIM
5Construction Challenges and Problems
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial explores the economics and impacts of the construction industry and looks at some key indicators. It looks at how information control and management affects construction waste and resources of the client.
6The Solution Framework - BIM Solutions
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
Exploration of the experimental Avanti approach to collaboration and reduction in waste. in construction.
7The Solution Framework - BIM Project Guidance and Results
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This Tutorial looks at guidance from the Avanti approach.
8The Solutions Framework - Research and Reports
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at available research and reports into production of better information in construction.
9The Solution Framework - Relevant Organisations and Documentation
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial explores the organisations relevant to the understanding of BIM.
10Definition of the Problem
11Publicily Available Specification
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial discuses the publicly available specification for Building Information Management.
12BIM Elevator Model
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at the requirements for BIM implementation.
13Information Delivery Cycle
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at a model for Information Delivery.
14BIM Level 2 Requirements
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at the fundamentals of Level 2 BIM
15Contracts Documents
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at how BIM contracts are set up and how the documents relate.
16Information Management Documents
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at relationships between documents used in information management
17BIM Elevator
18Common Information and Data Environment
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial explains the workings of the common information and data environment.
19Drawings Management
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial describes how manage and approve drawings in a common data environment
20Protocol and Procedures
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at more fundamentals of BIM, the protocols and their incorporation into contracts.
21Level of Detail and Volumes
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials |
This tutorial describes and draws a distinction in the level of details required at different stages of the building project.
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial discusses the sample templates available, that can be used to implement BIM.
23Plain Language Questions
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial discusses how the suppliers are organised to respond to plain language questions posed by the client and the Employers Information Requirements.
24Benefits of BIM - Essential Requirements
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
The tutorial summaries the lessons from the Avanti project and discusses the minimum requirements to have a significant impact on construction waste.
25BIM in Practice
26What is COBie?
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial introduces COBie, defining what COBie is and looks at how it fits into the construction process.
27COBie Presentation Format
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at various ways that COBie data can put together and presented in a sensible way.
28COBie Data Model
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial describes COBie data model in detail showing what information is required, who is responsible for putting the information in the system, how the data is collected and updated throughout the construction process.
29COBie Spreadsheet
BIM Training | Building Information Modelling Tutorials | What is BIM
This tutorial looks at COBie data output to a spreadsheet, how it is set up and how the data is organised in the spreadsheet.
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