Total Station, Surveying and Mapping
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

Every one can become civil engineer but to become a good surveyor they need special skills and digital surveying techniques.Ā Total station is one such instrument which has made survey much easier and user friendly. it works on the principle ofĀ electronic distance measurement techniques. basic skills are essential for theĀ surveyor for his good carrier. we have given all inputs required for self learning.
2Introduction Total Station Survey
3Parts of Total Station
4Advantages of Total Station
5Application of Total Station
6Introduction Total Station Survey
This course is designed for measuring of slant distances, horizontal and vertical angles and elevations in topographic and geodetic works, tachometric surveys, as well as for solution of application geodetic tasks. The measurement results can be recorded into the internal memory and transferred to a personal computer interface. This course also covers advantages of this instrument and its application.
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