The Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Drones - Part 2
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This course is theĀ second part of the 3Ā course series āThe Ultimate Guide for Land Surveying with Dronesā. This part covers the steps involved after you have processed the images from your drone survey. WeĀ have detailed post processing using various software applications such as QGIS, AutoCAD, Google Earth Pro and Gimp. We’ve also covered how to create the best reports for your clients and finally, how you can convert all this knowledge you have gained, into a sustainable and profitable business. This course is a continuation of the first course. It also useful for those of you who are already in the drone survey business.
The course series has over 4000 enrollments across 114 countries since it wasĀ released 10Ā months ago.
“This is one Informative, clear and well done course. A lot of knowledge on post processing of drone data has been shared that is not available anywhere. Thanks!”
“The course is meticulously made with great visuals and the instructor takes you through the process step by step, elucidating all the concepts . There are a lot of materials like checklists etc that are a must have for all drone surveyors. Absolutely fantastic!”
“Part 2 of the course is fantastic! Kinda closes the loose ends when it comes to delivering drone mapping outputs to the customer. I used to be daunted by the thought of having to use qgis and autocad. Well, not anymore!”
“This course is completely technical and detailed. I would say it is a must for anyone who wants to do further than just process drone images on dronedeploy and pix4d.”
“I like the fact the it uses QGIS open source. Many small companies can’t afford the expensive programs. Besides, it’s a good refresher.”
8QGIS introduction
9QGIS installation
10Post processing the orthomosaic with QGIS
Identify GPS points, measure distance and area
11QGIS Orthomosaic
12Post processing the digital surface model (DSM) with QGIS
Identify GPS points and elevations, generate contours
13Post processing the contours with QGIS
Remove small objects and smoothen contours, overlay with orthomosaic
14QGIS - Contours
15Using QGIS to make outputs meaningful with AutoCAD
Generate AutoCAD compatible orthomosaic and contours
16tfw file
17Clipping the orthomosaic and DSM with QGIS
Zero in on area of interest
18Post Processing with QGIS
19AutoCAD introduction
20AutoCAD installation
21AutoCAD plugins
22Post processing the contours with AutoCAD
Label the contours with elevation values
23AutoCAD - Contours
24Post processing the orthomosaic with AutoCAD
Create layers for boundaries, features and overlay with contours
25AutoCAD - Orthomosaic
26Post processing the point cloud with AutoCAD
Open the point cloud with AutoCAD, create different surface and point cloud styles like contours, elevation bands etc.
27Post Processing with AutoCAD
28Google Earth Pro introduction
29Google Earth Pro installation
30Post processing with Google Earth Pro
Overlay orthomosaic on satellite image, add placemarks and paths, perform measurements
31kmz and kml files
32Drone data outputs that cannot be visualized on Google Earth Pro
Which of the following types of drone data outputs cannot be visualized on Google Earth Pro
33Post Processing with Google Earth Pro
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