Substation Fundamentals Complete Understanding
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We have covered following topics in this training
Ā· What is Substation
Ā· Function of Substation
ā¢Transmit Power
ā¢Step Up of Down Voltages / Current
ā¢Power Dispatching & Control
ā¢Isolating Faulty Parts, Load Shedding
ā¢Reactive Power Compensation
Ā· Types of Substation
ā¢Transmission Substation
ā¢Distribution Substation
ā¢Collector Substation
ā¢Converter Substation
ā¢Switching Substation
ā¢Mobile Substation
Ā· How Substation Work
Ā· Components of Substation
1.Power transformer or distribution transformer (depending on substation type)
2.Circuit breakers
3.Disconnecting switches
4.Earthing Switches
6.Capacitor Bank
7.Current transformers
8.Potential transformers
9.Lightening arrestor
10.Protective relays
11.Station batteries
12.Earthing system
Ā· Introduction to Substation Single Line Diagram
Ā· Substation Interlocking
Ā· Walk Through Video of Substation, where you can see virtually all Substation Equipment and Identify C.T,V.T, Transformer, Breaker, Control & protection panel, battery room, charger and much more. It is like you visit substation yourself exciting.
Ā· Explained Why AC is used over DC for Generation, Transmission and distribution
Ā· Auxiliary Transformer
Ā· Medium Voltage Capacitor Bank
Ā· Neutral Ground Resistor (NGR)
Ā· Types of Protection Relays installed
Ā· GAS INSULATED SUBSTATION , CT,VT, CB, Isolator, Earthing Switch
Ā· Demonstration How to Checkc CT. VT Wiring in Substation Actual site video
Ā· Live captured 230kV Operation of Isolator
Ā· Substation Interlocking Explained, When CB can be operated ??
Ā· Brief Introduction of Substation Busbar Schemes
Ā· Visit of Surge Arrestor Manufacturing Factory Hubbell Power System, Showing Manufacturing process, material used, testing of Surge Arrestor
Ā· Site Visit and Actual Circuit Breaker Visit showing different components of CB
Ā· A Walk Through Power Transformer . showing & identifying components
Medium Voltage Switch Gear
Ā· Introduction of MV SWGR
Introduction to MV SWGR is divided in four compartments
Ā· MV SWGR Cable Compartment
Ā· MV SWGR CB Compartment
Ā· MV SWGR Compartment
Ā· MV SWGR Busbar Compartment
Ā· Operation Maintenance of SWGR, Interlocking
Ā· Msc Item of SWGR
MV SWGR in Detail
Ā· CB Mechanical Operation
Ā· CB Stored Energy Principle
Ā· CB IEC Rating
Ā· ā¢Rated voltage, Ur (kV)
ā¢Rated lightning impulse withstand rating, Up (kV)
ā¢Rated frequency, fr (Hz)
ā¢Rated current, Ir (A)
Ā· ā¢Rated short-time withstand current, Ik (kA)
ā¢Rated short circuit duration, tk (s)
ā¢Rated peak withstand current (kA)
ā¢Rated short circuit breaking capacity, Isc (kA)
ā¢Transient recovery voltage, TRV
ā¢Rated TRV (Uc) for circuit breakers intended for use on cable systems (Class S1)
ā¢Rated out-of-phase breaking current, Id (kA)
ā¢Rated capacitive switching currents
Ā· MV SWGR CB Compartment in detail
Ā· MV SWGR Componets
Ā· MV SWGR Mimic
Ā· CB Trolley
Ā· CB Trip Coil
Ā· CB Closing Coil
Ā· CB Closing Spring
Ā· CB Tripping Spring
Ā· CB Latch
Ā· CB Push button Operation
Ā· CB AUX contacts
Ā· CB Vacuum bottle
Ā· CB Terminal Types
Ā· CB Interrupter Unit
Ā· CB Trip Free Mechanism
Ā· Tulip, Jaw type Contact
Ā· VCB Contact Shapes
Ā· CB Mechanism
Ā· Anti Pumping Relay
Ā· Three Position Switch
Ā· Name Plate in Detail
Ā· Current Trasformer
Ā· CT Name Plate
Ā· CT IEC Standards
Ā· Types of CT
Ā· CT Primary & Secondary Data
Ā· Installation drawing of CT
Ā· CT Magnetization Curve , Saturation Region, Linear Region
Ā· VT in detail
Ā· Types of VT
Ā· VT name plate
Ā· VT IEC standards
Ā· VT Primary & Secondary Data
Ā· Cable Compartment
Ā· Cable Sealing End
Ā· Cable insulators
Ā· Type of Cable Compartment ( For Transformer, Feeder, Ring Main)
Ā· How Phase sequence is shown
Ā· Selection of Cable Sealing End
Ā· 1 Core & 3 Core Cable Sealing End
Ā· HRC High Rupturing Capacity fuse assembly
Ā· HRC on Mimic
Ā· HRC Fuse Feature, Mode of operation
Ā· HRC Fuse Selection
Ā· Busbar Compartment
Ā· Busbar Compartment IEC Rating
Ā· How to identify phase sequence in busbar compartment
Ā· VT,CT Connection at BB compartment
Ā· LV Compartment
Ā· Protection relays, auxiliary relays, control, alarm
Ā· Voltage detection system
Ā· For voltage detection according to IEC 61243-5 and VDE 0682 Part 415 with the following
voltage detecting systems:
ā¢ LRM plug-in sockets
ā¢ VOIS+, VOIS R+ (option)
ā¢ CAPDIS -S1/-S2+ (option)
ā¢ WEGA 1.2/2.2 (option)
Ā· Accessories of MV SWGR
Ā· Interlocking of MV SWGR
Power Transformer
Ā· Basics
Ā· Construction & Symbols
Ā· Magnetic Coupling , Electrical Coupling, Step Up Step Down Transformers
Ā· Impedance and isolating Transformers
Ā· Losses in Transformer Copper , Core Loss, Hystersis Loop
Ā· Buchholz Relay in Detail , Main and Conservator Tank
Ā· Pressure Relief Device
Ā· Transformer Silica Gel and it maintenance
Ā· GA Drawings of Transformer
Ā· Transformer Rating Plat 26MVA
Ā· WTI and OTI , Winding Temperature & Oil Temperature Indicator
Ā· Oil Level Indicator
Ā· Short Circuit and open circuit Test of Transformer
Ā· Bushing of Transformer HV MV
Ā· Radiators of Transformer
Ā· ranformer Name Plat , Main Characteristics
Ā· Power Transformer Maintence
Ā· Power Transformer MCQs
Wish you best of luck
Best Regards
2How Do Substation Work
3Walk Through 132kV Substation , Identify several Substation Components
Why it was preferred to Use AC supply for transmission and Distribution over DC
5Why AC not DC Answer
Here is the most important Answer Why AC was selected over DC , A Battle Between Thomas Edison Vs Tesla
6AC DC Explain Further
721 Aux Transformer
822 Substation Batteries
929 MV Capacitor Bank
1030 NGR
1131 Types of Protections
1232 GIS Explained CT VT Isolaor Earth Switch, Gas Compartments and CB
1333 HV GIS Surge Arrestor and Gas Compartments
1434 types of relays
15Checking C.T and V.T
16Opening 230Kv Air Disconnect switch
17Substation Interlocking explained
18Brief Introduction to 132kV Busbar Schemes
19Surge Arrestor by Hubbell Power Systems
20132kV Circuit Breaker Brief Overview
21A Walk Through 132kV Power Transformer
31Introduction to MV SWGR
32Circuit Breaker in Details
33MV Switch Gear Intro Simulation
34CB Compartment Part 1
35CB Compartment Part 2
36CB Compartment Part 3
37CB Compartment Part 4
38CB Compartment Part 5
39MV SWGR Voltage Transformer
40MV SWGR Cable Compartent
41HRC Fuses
42Busbar Compartmant
43LV Compartment, Accessories, Interlocking Explained
44How to do Operation of MV SWGR
45CB Mechanism Simulation
46MV SWGR 3D Simulation 1
47MV SWGR 3D Simulation
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