SolidWorks 2020 Learning by Doing 1. Car Canopy Design
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In this course, we will learn more about SolidWorks by going through a real world example. We will go through the process of designing a car canopy. We will start with concept design, then we will run Finite element analysis (FEA). Then we will make some modifications to enhance the model. After verifying the model with the analysis. we will start creating the actual detailed model. Then we will create detailed drawing for fabrication and the last thing is that we will export some files for plasma cutting.
1Introduction and Defining Variables
Here we define some global variables that govern the design
2Creating the Main Sketch
Here we will create the main sketch of this canopy
3Placing The Frames
Here we will place the structural members (The frames)
4Patterning The Side
Here we will pattern the whole side of the canopy so we have two columns
5Defining The Purlins Profile
Here we will define a new structural section to be used as purlins
6Placing The Purlins
Here we will place the purlins after being defined in the library
7Defining A Material And Accessing The Analysis
Here we will define a material so we can run the analysis
8Preparing The Model For The Analysis
Here we will perform some modifications so the model will be suitable for the analysis
9Defining Fixtures and loads Then Running the Analysis
Here we will define fixtures and loads then we will run the analysis
10Modifying The Model For Enhanced Analysis Results
Here we will modify the model to enhance the analysis results
11Rerun The Analysis With Some Enhancements
Here we will enhance the analysis by defining better analysis conditions
12Reaction Forces
Here we will learn how to get the reaction forces
13Exporting The Variables And Defining The Main Sketch Again
Here we will export and import the global variables and we will start the modeling of the final model
14The Main Frames and The Main Connection
Here we will place the main frame and will create the main connection
15Patterning The Other Joint
The joints we have are identical, so here we will learn how to pattern them
16Creating Supports Plates
Here we will create the plates which will hold the supports
17Placing Supports
Now it is the time to place the supports
18End Caps and Column Base Plate
19Purlins Plates
Here we will create the purlins plates
20Purlins Placing
Here we will place the purlins
21Rod Placing
Here we will place the rod that crosses the purlins
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