Mastering Drivers in Blender 3D
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
*** 95% Score by CGMasters – “If you have any interest in animation or in simply learning cool new things about Blender, this course is well worth buying.” ***
*** 95% Score by Adventure in Blender – “The amount of tips and tricks I learned was stunning.” ***
No matter if you want to create really advanced rigging for characters, cool animated effects or simply want things to be done quicker, drivers are a great tool that every Blender user should have in their backpack!
In this course from ExploreBlender, we will go through drivers inside out, truly making them second nature to you. We start by going through the basics of how they work, and then we will jump head first into creating different projects that uses drivers in different ways. Starting easy and gradually getting harder, at the end of this course you will have learned all the details about drivers and the ways they can be used, making you completely ready to use them in your own projects, whenever they might be of help!
“Excellent … Time to blow my mind again.” – @Alex_Silver, Twitter
2Shape Keys
Understand how Shape Keys can be used to modify the shape of objects and how they can be combined.
Understand what modifiers do and how their order is important.
Understand how armatures can be used as controls and skeletons for your objects.
Understand how Constraints make objects follow certain rules, like where they can go.
6Preparation Quiz
Test your knowledge
7Adding a Driver
Learn what drivers actually do and how you add one to your scene.
8The Graph Editor
Learn how to use the Graph Editor to adjust the final output of your drivers.
9The Different Types
Learn the different types of drivers, how they work and when to pick which.
10Accessing Properties
Learn how to access properties so you can use values from many places in Blender in our drivers.
11Custom Properties
Learn what custom properties are and how they are used to give your objects custom settings and values.
12Drivers Quiz
13The Result
Get a look at the finished result of this section.
14Base Mesh
We create the middle section of the ladder, with the ability to select the number of steps dynamically.
15Shape Controls
In this part we add controls to be able to modify the shape of the ladder.
16Top And Bottom
We add a top and bottom to the our middle section to get a complete ladder mesh.
17Follow the Floor
We make the ladder obey the floor so it always stands on top of it.
18Placement Controls
We add the needed controls to our ladder.
19Making it Lean
Now it is time to make the ladder lean automatically based on where the wall is.
20Improving the Leaning
The leaning had some issues that we will deal with in this part.
21Making it User Friendly
In the final part, we make sure the entire object is easy to use, even for someone who has never seen it before.
22The Result
Get a look at the finished result of this section.
23Modelling the Clock
We start by creating a simple analog clock out of several different meshes.
24Making it TIck
Now we make the clock actually run.
25Adding Time Controls
Here we add the ability to control the flow of time, like the current time and how fast it should tick.
26The Second Hand Motion
In this part we add the ability to control the motion of the second hand, jumping from one second to the next or moving smoothly.
We wrap it up by making it more user-firendly, hiding what should not be seen.
28The Result
Get a look at the finished result of this section.
29Modelling the Clock
We start by creating a simple digital clock out of several different meshes.
30Making it Tick
Now we make the clock actually run.
31Adding Time Controls
Here we add the ability to control the flow of time, like the current time and how fast it should tick.
32Completing the Looks
In this part we finish the clock by putting it all in a case.
33Fixing the Motion Blur
The clock has an issue with motion blur in its current form and we look at how this can be fixed by redoing the mechanism.
Here we wrap everything up, making it more user friendly.
35The Result
Get a look at the finished result of this section.
36Creating the Mesh
We start by creating the actual domino mesh, the bricks.
37Making it Fall
Here we make the bricks fall using a clever trick.
38Adding Controls
In this part we add controls so we can easily adjust the falling of the bricks.
39Fixing the beginning
In this part, we will make the beginning of the line of domino work properly.
40Fixing the End
The ending of the domino is still not working so we will fix it in this part.
In this part, we will wrap everything up.
42The Result
Get a look at the finished result of this section, the walking spider.
43Creating a Basic Leg
In this part we create single leg that is raised based on the height of the ground.
44Making it Walk
We will now give the single leg an automatic walking animation whenever it is moved back or forth.
45Adding Controls
Now it is time to add some controls to the leg so the user can change its walking style, like how long steps it takes and how much it lifts the "foot".
46Duplicating the Leg
Now we will take the single leg and turn it into eight working legs by duplicating it.
47Following the Ground
In this part we will improve the way the spider follows the ground by, among other things, making the body as a whole follow the ground as well, not only the feet.
48Adding the Body
The functionality of the spider is complete, so now it is time to add an actual body, a mesh we can render,
49Wrapping Up
In this part we wrap everything up by improving the object's usability.
50The Result
Get a look at the finished result of this section.
51Capturing the Motion
We create a single domino brick and gives it a falling motion using curves.
52Preparing the Brick
In this part we make some changes to the brick so it can be duplicated later on, making the falling motion repeat, among other things.
53Creating the Falling Section
Now it is time to create an entire section of falling bricks by duplicating our single brick and making them all move forward.
54Merging with the Line
In this part we add the new falling section to simple domino we created earlier, saving us the work of having to redo all of it.
55Making the Bricks Keep Their Shape
Currently the bricks themselves get deformed by changing the curve, but we can avoid this by changing the way the bricks are displayed.
56Adding the Ending Section
The bricks at the end of the line should fall differently and the simplest way to accomplish this is to add different bricks for the ending.
57Animating the Ending
Now it is time to actually animate the bricks at the end, making them fall realistically.
58Wrapping Up
We wrap up everything by cleaning up our cluttered scene a bit.
59The Result
Get a look at the finished result of this section.
60Making a Simple Glass
In this part we create a simple glass with water that can be leaned in a single direction.
61Make it Lean in All Directions
Now it is time to make the leaning work in all directions!
62Knowing the Amount of Water
Here we add the functionality of calculating the amount of water, getting a number of much liquid there should be left in the glass.
63Controlling the Surface
Now when we know how much liquid there should left, we have to make sure that the surface is at the appropiate height.
64Multiple Glass Shapes
In this part we add the ability to change the shape of the glass with the click of a button.
65Adding a Floating Panel
Now we will add a floating panel to make all controls easily available in the viewport.
66Making the Controls Work
Now it is time to make the floating controls actually do something!
67Wrapping Up
In this part we wrap everything up, fixing a problem with the resulting animation.
68What is Linking and Apending?
In this introduction you will learn what linking and appending is and the difference between them.
69The Ladder
In this part we optimize the ladder for linking and appending.
70The Analog Clock
In this part we optimize the analog clock for linking and appending.
71The Digital Clock
In this part we optimize the digital clock for linking and appending.
72The Simple Domino
In this part we optimize the simple domino for linking and appending.
73The Spider in Terrain
In this part we optimize the spider in terrain for linking and appending.
74The Advanced Domino
In this part we optimize the advanced domino for appending.
75The Glass of Water
In this part we optimize the glass of water for linking and appending.
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