Mastering ANSYS Mesh Generation with ICEM CFD
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

In the modern engineering society , Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is often used in the early design and testing stages of production to improve performance of the desired product. Through the context of this course, I will be teaching you modern methods in developing and generating structured, unstructured and hybrid meshes for ANSYS, OpenFOAM and any other applications you may want to use. The course comes in three parts a) Introduction and Interface b) Unstructured and Multi-Zone meshing methods and c) Structured blocking and Meshing methods.
1Overview of the course
An overview of the course. (please use the link in resources to download all ICEM geometries i.e. (.tin) files, and PDFs attached in resources.
2Interface of ICEM CFD
In this lesson, the Interface of ANSYS ICEM CFD is discussed, if you are familiar with the software go ahead and skip it.
3Surface blocking of a pipe junction (Multi-Zone)
2D Multi-Zone blocking of a pipe junction.
43D Multi-Zone meshing of NACA Wing Part 1
3D Multi zone meshing of a NACA wing.
53D Multi-Zone meshing of NACA Wing Part 2
3D Multi Zone meshing of a NACA wing.
6Bottom up approach Unstructured Mesh Generation of Box in a Sphere
Bottom Up approach of Unstructured grid generation in ICEM CFD.
7Merging of Unstructured Pipe Junction 3D - Part1
3D pipe junction - Merging of unstructured grids - Part 1
8Merging of Unstructured Pipe Junction 3D - Part 2
3D pipe junction - Merging of unstructured grids - Part 2
9Unstructured Mesh Generation of a Helicopter Body
Unstructured Mesh Generation of a Helicopter body using ICEM CFD.
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