Learning Open Source GIS: Spatial SQL w/ Postgres/PosGIS
- Description
- Curriculum
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This course is part of an entire curriculum based on Free and Open Source GIS (FOSS4g) software, and represents one of the most comprehensive curriculum on FOSS4g. The curriculum are grouped into the categories of Desktop, Server, and Developer parts of the FOSS4g stack. For this course, you will learn the most popular open source database: Postgres 11. We’ll start with a basic understanding of Postgres, introduce PostGIS as a spatial plug in, and begin to solve spatial problems using SQL.
This course uses real data from Tompkins County, New York, and seamlessly integrates with other gisadvisor courses that will teach you QGIS, GDAL, Geoserver, and Python. You’ll be working alongside me as we explore the capabilities of SQL, working with raster, vector, and attribute data. And most importantly, after you learn SQL and spatial SQL you willl simulate some real-world examples of GIS projects and spatial analysis.
Whether you need to learn SQL within Postgres and PostGIS for your job, or want to get spun up on FOSS4g to nail that big interview, this course will prepare you to work with the ins-and-outs of SQL and spatial SQL, and give you confidence as you interact with other GIS experts.
The curriculum is designed so that you can start with either this course, or any of the other courses. They will refer back and forth with one another, and because we are camping out in the same geographic area, all the courses will use the same data. As you move through each course, you are going to have experience with all the different parts of the FOSS4g stack.
Before we get started, you'll want to know what this course is all about, and in this lecture we are going to go over the goals and objectives, along with the expectations.
Make sure to download the files in the downloadable materials section. This includes all of our data, along with the lecture notes so that you can copy/paste the SQL commands.
2Installing Postgres 11
In this lecture you'll download postgres and install it on your local computer.
Simply follow the video to download the software, and remember - Postgres will require the PostGIS extension included with the Stackbuilder. Also, please make sure to note the username and password you enter (we recommend using postgres / postgres respectively.
3Installing QGIS 3.8
In this lecture you'll download QGIS and install it on your local computer. The current directory for downloading QGIS is located at https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html
Simply follow the video to download the software, and remember - QGIS is big! This is going to take some time to complete.
4Our Data
We're not going to use some small, lame, "everything works perfectly" , training data set. That's not realistic. When you take a training course with small, perfect data, you won't have the necessary skills to apply your use of Postgres and PostGIS in the real world. So, we'll use a real data set of raster, vector, and attribute data from Tompkins County, NY. This is data for a 900 square mile county, and includes hundreds of megabytes of data. When you are done with this course, you'll have confidence to know that you can work with your own data.
To better understand the tasks ahead of us, we'll have a look at our data so that you understand the context of the different types of GIS processes we'll perform with Postgres.
Make sure to download the tompkins.zip file and place that in a directory called c:trainingtompkins Like all of the courses in the Learning the FOSS4g Stack, we'll introduce you to the data set we'll be using.
5Loading our data
Because Postgres is a real enterprise class database, it doesn't work like a small time windows based application. This makes it very robust. But, it also makes it a little more complicated at the outset. The data is actually stored within the database, and accessible via an IP address (we'll be using The cool thing is, of course, is if you have a real server, you can expose that IP address to the outside world, and have users access the data remotely.
So, naturally, there will be some preparatory work to get this ready. In this lecture, we'll load the data, and then check to make sure everything worked.
6Important!!! - Fixing the .qgs file if you cannot connect to Postgres
If you try and open the pg_qgs.qgs or pg_qgs.qgz file, you may get an error. That is most likely due to the fact that I created the .qgs file using a different port connection than what you set up. This can be frustrating. But, it is an easy fix. You simply have to modify the port number in the qgs file. This short lecture will show you how to do that.
7Setting up our system
One our data is in the database, we can start accessing it with different applications. For this class, we'll use QGIS to access the data. However, we could just as easily have used ArcGIS, ArcPro, Manifold GIS, MapInfo, or a whole host of other products. So, for this lecture we'll connect QGIS to our database and start visualizing the data.
9Numeric data types
This lecture is going to show you how Postgres and SQL can manage numeric data. This includes querying, but also performing on-the-fly mathematical calculations - something that is actually difficult to do with classic GIS.
10Boolean and Character data types
This lecture is going to show you how Postgres and SQL can manage boolean data. This includes querying boolean data, and also performing evaluations on TRUE/FALSE data formats.
11Date and Time data types
This lecture is going to show you how Postgres and SQL can manage data/time data. This includes querying, date, time, and range calculations on data. Dates are so important to the things we are trying to query, and it is a shame that most GIS software cannot handle dates in such a robust way. Fortunately, Postgres has dozens of date/time functions that you can utilize.
12Spatial data types
One of the main reasons you are probably taking this course is so that you can work with spatial data in a SQL database. This lecture provides a brief overview of how Postgres handles spatial data types (don't worry, we'll be diving much deeper into this topic later on in the course). But, this lecture will really make it clear as to why the spatial constructs in SQL should become your go-to tool when performing spatial analysis.
13SELECT Statements (and their variants)
The SELECT statement is the bread and butter of SQL. And while you'll learn that there is so much more to SQL than the SELECT statement (INSERTS, UPDATES, VALUES, etc.), you are going to want to master the SELECT statement. So, in this lecture we'll explore a number of ways to utilize the SELECT statement.
14Aggregate and GROUP BY functions
Aggregate clauses like AVG(), SUM(), COUNT(), etc., are really useful tools in SQL. But, they become extremely powerful when combined with the GROUP BY statement. In fact, a simple GROUP BY statement with an aggregate clause can accomplish what might take many pages of computer code to complete. Not sure what those last two sentences mean? Well, check out this lecture, and you'll be really impressed with SQL's simplicity and power.
15Creating new data (UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE functions)
We are not always going to just want to query data. Oftentimes, we need to change data, or create new data. This lecture will show how SQL is used to easily perform data manipulation and editing.
16Conditional statements with SQL: CASE
Oftentimes we'll want more control over the queries that we perform. In programming languages, this takes the form of if/then and while clauses. SQL has its own ability to evaluate conditions. In this lecture we'll explore the use of CASE statements in SQL. We'll look at basic CASE statements, CASE statements with spatial data, and CASE statements that span multiple tables.
17Coordinate Systems and SQL
Like most things in life, knowing where you are is critical in figuring out where you are going. The same is true for GIS data. Data stored in Postgres is defined by its geometry and coordinate system. So, in this lecture we are going to look at the different coordinate system capabilities including how to find, set, and actually reproject data with SQL.
18Spatial (and non-spatial) indexes and SQL
One of the things that most GIS users haven't had to think about are indexes. Most of the reason for this is because the data we've worked with is small enough that most processes are fairly quick. But, if you start working with really large data sets, then you will see a noticeable performance hit. In this lecture, we will go over what indexes are, how they are applied in a spatial and non-spatial context, and also demonstrate the speed one can achieve when utilizing a spatial index.
19Spatial Commands - part 1 (A-C)
For this lecture, we'll start looking at spatial operations within PostGIS. The list is so long that we are basically going to start at the beginning of the alphabet, and move our way through. We won't hit every command (there are just too many), but we will hit enough of them to give you an idea of how to implement SQL for spatial objects, and also how to find out how to implement others that you aren't as familiar with.
20Spatial Commands - part 2 (D-U)
For this lecture, we'll start looking at spatial operations within PostGIS. The list is so long that we are basically going to start at the beginning of the alphabet, and move our way through. We won't hit every command (there are just too many), but we will hit enough of them to give you an idea of how to implement SQL for spatial objects, and also how to find out how to implement others that you aren't as familiar with.
21Basic Problems in Geography
Sometimes there isn't a command do complete an operation. Rather, it might be a sequence of commands. This is the case for many quantitative geography problems. Things like nearest neighbor, mean center, central feature, and so on. For this lecture, we'll start learning how to implement some classic spatial operations with SQL. We'll start by looking at the original formulas, and then move on to implementation. For this first lecture, we'll keep it easy. But, later lectures will implement some more sophisticated formulas.
22Variogram modeling with SQL
23The tools of spatial analysis: Distance, adjacency, and Interaction
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