Learning Autodesk® Maya® 2013
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The perfect resource for 3D animation professionals and students
Learning how to use Autodesk's industry-leading Maya 3D animation and effects software just got a little easier, thanks to Learning Autodesk Maya 2013: A Video Introduction DVD. Competitively priced and professionally produced, it features eight hours of expert, step-by-step instruction from award-winning visual effects supervisor and author, Dariush Derahkshani. Immerse yourself in the dozens of high-definition video lessons and examples (1280×720), with optional full-screen mode) and practice as you go with downloadable files.
This unique video training software provides custom bookmarking, an intuitive interface for easy navigation, and professional examples. You can progress at your own pace, from any place – lessons are viewable on everything from laptops and PCs to smartphones and iPad and Android tablets. And, as an added bonus you get access to a streaming version of the videos that you can view from any computer with internet access.
- Shows beginners or professionals how to use or enhance their use of Autodesk Maya 2013
- Features eight hours of video instruction viewable on tablets, smartphones, and computers
- Gets you up to speed on Maya's core features and functions and includes hands-on exercises with downloadable files, so you put your new skills to use right away
- Teaches polygonal modeling, shading and texturing, keyframe and inverse-kinematic animation, and modeling with NURBS, subdivisions, and deformers
- Also covers light, rendering, and effects
Professionals and beginners alike who seek value-priced, short-course training on Maya will want to enroll in Learning Autodesk Maya 2013: A Video Introduction
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3The Nickel Tour: User Interface Layout
Maya's user interface centers on the large view panel where you build and manipulate your scene.
4Getting Around in Maya
You need a three-button mouse to navigate the interface, to change your view, and to manage objects.
5Maya Objects and Hierarchy
Here we explain the hierarchy that governs objects and their attributes.
6Exposing Maya Windows
The most common windows in Maya include the Attribute Editor, Outliner, Hypershade, Hypergraph, Graph Editor, and the Layer Editor; let's study each.
7Customizing Maya
You'll want to customize Maya -- just a little at first (keeping Maya at the default will help you learn the program) and more are you gain experience with it.
8Vertices, Edges, and Faces
No matter how you model, you'll be creating and editing vertices, edges, and faces.
9Creating Polygon Primitives
We'll look at the primitive objects that can be created via polygons in Maya.
10Tool Settings
Your tools settings affect every action you take, so know how to reveal and change them to suit your work.
11Basic Modeling Operations: Dividing Geometry
Here you'll see how to divide a surface further to work with it in various ways.
12Basic Modeling Operations: Extending Geometry
Sometimes the best way to create geometry is to extend an object you've already created, using Extrude, Bridge, or Bevel.
13Modeling with Multiple Objects
And sometimes the most efficient means of creating more geometry is to duplicate something already existing; check out the Edit > Duplicate Special menu.
14SubD Primitives in Maya
Subdivision surfaces (Subdivs) don't come with option-box menu options; you have to drop the object into your scene and then modify it.
15Improving on Maya's Native SubDs
You can improve on the native, built-in geometry options; for example, you can use regular polygons to create subdivision surfaces.
16Creating Hard Surfaces with SubDs
Here's how to create some more creased edges on your subdiv geometry.
17SubDs at Render Time
Let's look at how subdivision surfaces operate at rendering time, with Maya's native renderer.
18SubDs in mental ray
Next, compare rendering subdivision surfaces with the mental ray renderer.
19Introduction to NURBS
Here you'll begin to understand the difference between polygonal objects and NURBS objects.
20NURBS Primitives
NURBS primitives have a set of controls like other objects, but because they deal with curved surfaces instead of polygonal ones, you'll encounter some new settings.
21NURBS Modeling: Revolve and Loft
We'll look at the tools to model NURBS and how this contrasts with modelling polygons.
22NURBS Modeling: Extrude and Birail
Let's try creating more complex NURBS objects.
23Intro and Hypershade Shakedown
We introduce basic shading, also known as texturing: applying a material to your model for lighting and rendering.
24Basic Shaders: The Anisotropic, Ramp, and Surface Shaders
The basic shading workflow in Maya begins with the default and common shaders, such as the lambert, phong, and blinn.
25Texture Nodes and Bump Maps
We continue with more advanced shaders, such as anisotropic, ramp, and surface shaders.
26Shading Networks
Texture nodes feed into materials. They can be procedural, where you change the texture within Maya without having to go out to an image editor.
27Using the Substance Texture
Shading networks, in the Hypershade, define how multiple textures and attributes apply to a shader and relate to or interact with each other.
28Introducing UV Mapping
A substance texture (created in the Hypershade or simply by clicking the Map button) is a procedural texture that allows you to use many cool presets.
29Working with UVs and UV Snapshots
Let's introduce the wonderful, but perhaps laborious, world of UV mapping, projecting flat images onto 3D geometry.
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We continue with how to modify and apply a UV texture.
31Three-Point Lighting
A popular lighting setup is "three-point lighting". Here's how to establish that setup in Maya.
32Maya Lights Overview
Maya has many types of lights, found under the Create > Lights menu. Here's a walk through them.
33Manipulating and Animating Lights
You can manipulate and even animate lights.
34Rendering Shadows
In this lesson you'll see how to render shadows for Maya lights.
35Light Linking
You can have different lights affect different objects in your scene.
36Basic Lighting Effects
Lighting effects include glow, lens flare, and volumetric lighting.
37Creating and Manipulating Cameras
As we move into rendering, we'll start by examining what a camera is and where it gets placed, by default and by the user.
38Outputting Renders
Let's see how to output your renders and cameras.
39Render Settings: Quality and Motion Blur
Play with your render quality settings, and you'll see that you can very quickly use up a LOT of time and memory making and saving renders.
40IPR Rendering
Creating an IPR (interactive photoreal rendering) lets you see your render adjust on the fly as you change, for example, lighting.
41Raytracing: Reflections, Refractions, and Shadows
Enable raytracing to get true reflections, refractions, and shadows in your scene.
42Controlling Object Render Stats
The Render Stats rolldown provides viewing and rendering options for specific objects.
43Batch Rendering a Sequence
Render layers are very powerful, allowing you to render objects in separate passes for use in later compositing.
44Rendering in Layers
Render layers are very powerful, allowing you to render objects in separate passes for use in later compositing.
45Compositing Render Layers and Creating a Shadow Pass
To demonstrate compositing several render layers, we'll use Adobe After Effects.
46The Basics of Animating in 3D
The basic tool for adding motion to a scene -- animating -- is the keyframe.
47Keyframe Basics
Here's how to fix an object's attributes at a point in time by creating a keyframe.
48The Graph Editor
Use the Graph Editor to create more complex animations than keyframes alone can produce, and to clean up rough animations.
49Creating Skeletons and Constraints
Here's how to create and use a basic rig to control your object model.
50Using Set Driven Key
The Set Driven Key command can make it easier to position, maneuver, and limit your rig.
51The Connection Editor
Let's see how the Connection Editor will provide a control item, making selection easier.
52The Expression Editor
We continue to build controls for our claw rig, this time using the Expression Editor to control and resolve multiple movements of the same object.
53Skin Binding
Joints and skinning allow us to deform smooth, continuous geometry as we animate.
54Introducing mental ray
See the difference between rendering with Maya's native renderer and with mental ray: mental ray provides more options.
55Mental Ray Area Light and Decay Rates
Regular Maya lights and shaders work fine in mental ray, but check out the additional options available to you with mental ray's settings.
56The Mia and Car Paint Shaders
Let's examine two mental ray shaders to see how this renderer handles them.
57Using the Physical Sun and Sky System
The mental ray physical sun and sky system are controlled from some new nodes in the Outliner and Render Settings.
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