Introduction to Spatial Databases with PostGIS and QGIS 3
Learn Spatial SQL and database management for GIS Professionals
- Description
- Curriculum
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This course is intended to provide an introduction to spatial databases in general and PostGIS in particular to GISĀ professionals who are interested in expanding their skillset to multi-user enterprise level spatial databases. This course uses the latest (as of 2/18)Ā versions of PostgreSQL (10.1), PostGIS (2.4), and QGIS (3.0). IĀ believe it is the most current and thorough course on spatial databases available today.Ā You will learn
- What a spatial database is and why you would want to use one.
- What SQL is, why you would want to use it, andĀ how it can be applied to geospatial concepts.
- How to install PostGIS locally for development purposes and how to access a production version via a network or the internet.
- How to load your spatial data into PostGIS and access it from a variety of clients, especially QGIS
- The basics of SQL for both spatial and non-spatial queries
- How to validate data and control user access with the tools built-in to PostGIS
- Optimizing your queries for the best performance
- How to work with raster data in PostGIS
- The basics of programming custom functions with PL/pgSQL
- The basics of database administration to keep your database operating smoothly
Installing software and loading data
Data Query Language - SQL queries for non-spatial data
Making SQL Spatial - Introduction
12The SQL SELECT statement
13The WHERE clause
14Aggregate functions and the GROUP BY clause
15Multi-table Queries Part 1
16Multi-table Queries Part 2
17Data Types in PostgreSQL Part 1
18Data Types in PostreSQL Part 2
19The FROM clause implies a loop
20SQL Expressions and Functions Part 1
21SQL Expressions and Functions Part 2
22The CASE Statement
23SQL Views
Making SQL Spatial - Advanced Topics
SQL Data Definition Language
SQL Data Manipulation Language
SQL Data Control Language
Deploying your database
Bonus Lecture
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You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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