Igneous And Metamorphic Petrology-Geology Series
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Igneous And Metamorphic Petrology-Geology Series
This course covers all important topics of igneous and metamorphic petrology.With this course you came to know about basics and other stuff.this course includes these topics:
1.Chemical elements origin and abundances in the solar system and in the earth
2.Earth as a heat engine partial melting and crystallization
3.Classification of Igneous Rocks
4.Petrology and Mineralogy Of Igneous Rocks
5.Phase Diagram And Experimental Petrology
6.Decay scheme of K-Ar, U-Pb, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic systems
7.Sulphur isotopes natural variation, fractionation and applications
8.Concept And Classification Of Metamorphic Facies
9.Entropy, Gibb’s free energy and clausius clapeyron equation
10.Metamorphism of pelitic rocks
11.Metamorphism under extreme thermal and baric conditions
12.Quantitative Geothermobarometry
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