Computational Fluid Dynamics Fundamentals Course 3
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Welcome to Part 3 of my Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) fundamentals course! In this course, the concepts, derivations and examples from Part 1 and Part 2 are extended to look at unstructured meshes and mesh quality metrics (aspect ratio, non-orthogonality, skewness and Jacobian Determinant). The course starts from first principles and you will rapidly develop a working CFD solution using the Excel sheets and Python source code provided. By the end of the course, you will understand how the CFD equations are discretised for unstructured meshes. This discretisation approach is a natural extension of the discretisation approach that is adopted for structured meshes (which were considered in Part 1 and Part 2). CFD codes which are constructed in this unstructured way (such as ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM, Star CCM, Saturne) can handle cells of any size and shape. You will learn about the main quality metrics (aspect ratio, non-orthogonality, skewness, Jacobian Determinant) that are used to assess these meshes, how they are calculated and what they actually mean. For this course, no prior experience is required and no specific CFD code/coding experience is required! You do not need ANSYS Fluent, OpenFOAM, Star CCM or any other CFD code to use this course.
2Finite Volume Discretisation for Unstructured Meshes
In this lecture, the finite volume discretisation of the 2D heat diffusion equation is presented for unstructured meshes. This is a slight extension of the finite volume discretisation of the 2D heat diffusion equation for structured meshes which was introduced in the previous course.
3Unstructured Mesh Generation
In this lecture, a simple method for generating an unstructured mesh is presented. This includes techniques to calculate the cell volume, face area and unit normal vector for skewed and irregular cells that are often present in unstructured meshes.
4Example Problem: Heat Diffusion in a 2D Plate
In this lecture, the example problem of heat diffusion in a 2D plate (with an unstructured mesh) is introduced. All the coefficients are calculated, the matrices are assembled and the equations are solved.
5Example Problem: Python Code and Excel Spreadsheet
This lecture provides a walk-through of the python source code and excel spreadsheets that are used in Chapter 1.
6Aspect Ratio, Jacobian Determinant, Non-Orthogonality and Skewness
In this lecture, the main mesh quality metrics that are used by CFD codes for unstructured meshes (aspect ratio, non-orthogonality, Jacobian Determinant and equiangle skewness) are introduced. By the end of this lecture, students will understand how to calculate the main mesh quality metrics and understand what they really mean.
7Example Problem: Mesh Quality Metrics
The example problem for Chapter 2 is introduced in this lecture. Two example cells are used to calculate and demonstrate the mesh quality metrics.
8Example Problems: Python Code and Excel Spreadsheets
This lecture provides a walk-through of the python source code and excel spreadsheets that are used in Chapter 2.
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