Complete neural signal processing and analysis: Zero to hero
- Description
- Curriculum
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Use your brain to learn signal processing, data analysis, and statistics… by learning about brains!
If you are reading this, I guess you have a brain. Your brain generates electrical signals that can be measured using electrodes, which are like small antennas. These electrical signals are rreeeeeaaallly complicated, because the brain is really complicated!
But learning how to analyze brain electrical signals is an amazing and fascinating way to learn about signal processing, data visualization, spectral analysis, synchronization (connectivity) analyses, and statistics (in particular, permutation-based statistics).
What do you get in this course?
This course contains over 46 hours of video instruction, plus TONS of MATLAB exercises, problem sets, and challenges.
If you do all the MATLAB exercises, this course is easily well over 100 hours of educational content.
And you get access to the Q&A forum, where you can post specific questions about the course material and I answer as quickly as I can (typically 1-2 days).
By the end of this course, you will have confidence in processing, cleaning, analyzing, and performing statistics on brain electrical activity.
What do you need to know before joining this course?
I have tried to make this course accessible to anyone who is interested in learning neural signal processing and time series analysis.
I believe you can simply start this course without any formal background in neuroscience/biology, and without any background in signal processing/math/statistics. That said, some background in these topics will definitely be helpful.
However, I do assume that you have access to MATLAB (or Octave), and that you have some basic MATLAB coding skills (variables, for-loops, basic plotting). If you are a total noob to MATLAB, then please first take an intro-MATLAB course and then come back here.
Why should you trust this weird Mike X Cohen guy?
I’ve been teaching this material for almost 20 years. I’m really dedicated to teaching and I work really hard to improve my courses each year.
Check out the reviews of this course and my other courses to see what my students think of my teaching style and dedication.
I’ve also written several textbooks on neural data analysis and scientific programming. And there are more books and more courses on the way!
… but you have to watch out for my weird sense of humor. You’ve been warned…
6Download MATLAB materials for this course
7Origin, significance, and interpretation of EEG
8Overview of possible preprocessing steps
9ICA for data cleaning
10Signal artifacts (not) to worry about
11Topographical mapping
12Overview of time-domain analyses (ERPs)
13Motivations for rhythm-based analyses
14Interpreting time-frequency plots
15The empirical datasets used in this course
16MATLAB: EEG dataset
17MATLAB: V1 dataset
18Where to get more EEG data?
19Simulating data to understand analysis methods
20Problem set: introduction and explanation
21Problem set (1/2): Simulating and visualizing data
22Problem set (2/2): Simulating and visualizing data
23Planck, neuron, universe
24MATLAB files for this section
25Why simulate data?
26Generating white and pink noise
27The three important equations (sine, Gaussian, Euler's)
28Generating "chirps" (frequency-modulated signals)
29Non-stationary narrowband activity via filtered noise
30Transient oscillation
31The eeglab EEG structure
32Project 1-1: Channel-level EEG data
33Project 1-1: Solutions
34Projecting dipoles onto EEG electrodes
35Project 1-2: dipole-level EEG data
36Project 1-2: Solutions
37MATLAB files for this section
38Event-related potential (ERP)
39Lowpass filter an ERP
40Compute the average reference
41Butterfly plot and topo-variance time series
42Topography time series
43Simulate ERPs from two dipoles
44Project 2-1: Quantify the ERP as peak-mean or peak-to-peak
45Project 2-1: Solutions
46Project 2-2: ERP peak latency topoplot
47Project 2-2: Solutions
48Download MATLAB materials for this section
49Course tangent: self-accountability in online learning
50Time and frequency domains
51Sine waves
52MATLAB: Sine waves and their parameters
53Complex numbers
54Euler's formula
55MATLAB: Complex numbers and Euler's formula
56The dot product
57MATLAB: Dot product and sine waves
58Complex sine waves
59MATLAB: Complex sine waves
60The complex dot product
61MATLAB: The complex dot product
62Fourier coefficients
63MATLAB: The discrete-time Fourier transform
64MATLAB: Fourier coefficients as complex numbers
65Frequencies in the Fourier transform
66Positive and negative frequencies
67Accurate scaling of Fourier coefficients
68MATLAB: Positive/negative spectrum; amplitude scaling
69MATLAB: Spectral analysis of resting-state EEG
70MATLAB: Quantify alpha power over the scalp
71The perfection of the Fourier transform
72The inverse Fourier transform
73MATLAB: Reconstruct a signal via inverse FFT
74Frequency resolution and zero-padding
75MATLAB: Frequency resolution and zero-padding
76Estimation errors and Fourier coefficients
77Signal nonstationarities
78MATLAB: Examples of sharp nonstationarities on power spectra
79MATLAB: Examples of smooth nonstationarities on power spectra
80Welch's method for smooth spectral decomposition
81MATLAB: Welch's method on phase-slip data
82MATLAB: Welch's method on resting-state EEG data
83MATLAB: Welch's method on V1 dataset
84Problem set (1/2): Spectral analyses of real and simulated data
85Problem set (2/2): Spectral analyses of real and simulated data
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