Complete MATLAB Programming +MATLAB Simulink For Engineering
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

This is a practicing course for MATLAB taught by Ahmed Rezk and Ahmed Mahdy.
Learn the leading software MATLAB in numerical computing through step by step exercises.
Master the basics and move to an advanced level in MATLAB.Why would you take this course?
Learn about numerical & symbolic computing using MATLAB.
Enhance your problem solving skills in the field of programming and building Algorithms in MATLAB.
Implement MATLAB in your work and research.
*Course Topics Overview*
MATLAB is a leading software in numerical computing and building algorithms that is widely used by Engineers, Programmers, Researchers, Teachers, Colleges and Entrepreneurs.
In this course you will start learning MATLAB :
By creating and manipulating Matrices which are the key for MATLAB programming.
You will learn how to use MATLAB in some Elementary Mathematics Problems.
After that comes the Graphics section in which you will learn how to use MATLAB to produce 2D & 3D graphs.
You will also learn how to build 2D animations in MATLAB.
In the programming section you will learn how to use MATLAB as a programming language to build your own Algorithms.
You will learn how to import and analyze data to MATLAB.
You will get introduced to the symbolic capabilities of MATLAB.
We will also simulate in the MATLAB using simulink tool circuits which is helpful for electrical engineering students especially power engineering students such as AC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC and DC-DC converter circuits.
We will explain those circuits which are from Ahmed Mahdy course of power electronics.
As an example you will learn the simulation using MATLAB of:
Single phase half wave controlled rectifier.
Single phase bridge controlled rectifier.
Single phase AC chopper with R and RL load.
DC-DC converter as buck regulator.
Boost regulator.
Buck-Boost regulator.
Single phase half bridge inverter.
Single phase bridge inverter.
Three Phase Inverter.
Updated And New Lectures In 10/2019
You will learn simulation of PV cell in solar energy using Simulink tool in MATLAB.
You will learn about separately excited DC Machines and how to:
1- Model the DC machine in no load case using Simulink in MATLAB.
2- Model the DC machine in presence of load torque using Simulink in MATLAB.
3- Simulating the DC machine using power library from Simulink in MATLAB.
You will learn about Induction motors as:
1- Construction and principle of operation of induction motor.
2- Torque-speed characteristics of induction motor.
3- Equivalent circuit and power flow of induction motor.
4- Simulation of induction motor using simulink in MATLAB.
Complete the course lectures, examples, quizzes and assignments in MATLAB and you will be able to distinguish your self as a MATLAB user & Programmer.
Thank you and hope to see you in our course for MATLAB š
1What Is MATLAB ?
This video explains what MATLAB Software is and Its capabilities.
2Course Structure For MATLAB
This video explains the course intended outcomes, the course structure and also how to get the most out of this course.
3MATLAB Interface & Navigation
Get started with MATLAB interface & navigation.
4Introduction To Array Programming In MATLAB
Introduction to Arrays in programming + The section overview.
5Creating Vectors & Matrices In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to create Vectors & Matrices in MATLAB.
6Special Matrices In MATLAB
This Tutorial explains the different functions to create some special Matrices in MATLAB.
7Different Arrays Functions In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will get introduced to the different functions to deal with Vectors & Matrices.
9Basic Operations In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn:
- Adding & Subtracting Matrices
- Scalar Multiplication
- Element by Element Operations
- Matrix - Matrix Multiplication
11Vectors Dot & Cross Products In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to find the dot product of 2 vectors in MATLAB using 3 different methods and also how to find the cross product.
12Shifting & Sorting Matrices Elements In MATLAB
In this Tutorial shifting & sorting functions are explained.
13Selecting Random Elements from a Matrix.
This tutorial explains how to select random elements from a matrix and also how to remove any element from a matrix.
15Solving Linear Equations using Matrices In MATLAB
This Tutorial explains how to solve a system of linear equation using MATLAB.
16Exercise 2
In this Tutorial:
Practicing Exercises Solved Step by Step
17Arithmetic Operations In MATLAB
In this Tutorial the different Arithmetic Operations are explained in MATLAB.
Step by step Exercise on Arithmetic Operations.
19Order of Precedence In MATLAB
This Tutorial explains the Order of Precedence with examples.
21Trigonometry (Engine Piston Example)
In this Tutorial:
- You will get introduced to the different Trigonometry functions in MATLAB.
- Including Step by Step Example (Engine Piston).
22Rounding Functions In MATLAB
In this Tutorial the different rounding functions are explained.
24Polynomials In MATLAB
This Tutorial discusses the different MATLAB functions to deal with Polynomials.
25Polynomials In MATLAB Part 2
This Tutorial explains:
- Residue Function that finds the residues, poles and direct term of Partial Fraction Expansion of the ratio of 2 polynomials.
- Polyint Function that returns the integration of polynomials.
- Polyder Funtion that returns the derivative of polynomials.
26Complex Numbers In MATLAB
This Tutorial discusses the different functions to define and deal with Complex Numbers in MATLAB.
27Exponents and Logarithms In MATLAB
This Tutorial discusses the different functions to define Exponents & Logarithms in MATLAB.
28Cartesian Coordinate System Conversion In MATLAB
This Tutorial discusses the different functions to covert from Cartesian Coordinates to other Coordinates systems such as Cylindrical & Spherical.
29Plotting 2D Graphs In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to use the plot function to create 2D plots and also the different commands to modify your plots.
30Editing your Plots from the plot window In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to edit your plots after creating them using the different options in the figure window.
312D Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, & Filled Areas In MATLAB
This Tutorial explains how to create 2D Bar Graphs, 2D Pie Charts and Filled Areas.
32Logarithmic Plots In MATLAB
This Tutorial explains how to generate semi log and log log plots.
33Sub Plots In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to plot more than one graph on the same figure using the subplot function.
343D Plotting Using plot3 Function In MATLAB
In this Tutorial Plot3 function is explained to plot 3D graphs.
35Animation In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to create 2D animations using getframe function.
36Introduction to Programming With MATLAB
The section introduction lecture.
37M-Files In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will get introduced to Script M-Files.
38Inputs & Outputs Commands In MATLAB
In this Article you will find some of the inputs & outputs Commands in MATLAB.
39fprintf Function In MATLAB
This Tutorial explains the fprintf function in MATLAB.
40Functions (Built in & User-Defined) In MATLAB
This Tutorial shows how to create functions and use them.
41The If, elseIf, else Statements In MATLAB
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and use if, elseif, else statements in MATLAB.
42For & While Loops In MATLAB
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and use for and while loops in MATLAB.
43For Loop - More Examples
More Step by Step examples on for loops.
44The Switch Structure In MATLAB
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and use switch in MATLAB. + Creating Transportation Program.
45Logical Operators (and, or, xor, not) In MATLAB
In this tutorial you will learn how to create and use Logical operators and, or, xor, not.
46Introduction to Recursive Programming In MATLAB
This Tutorial explains the concept of Recursive Programming.
47Recursive Programming - Fibonacci Numbers In MATLAB
This Tutorial presents another example for Recursive Programming.
48Import Spreedsheets from Excel To MATLAB
This Tutorial explains xlsread function to import Excel files to MATLAB + a step by step exercise.
49Import & Analyze Data from Text Files To MATLAB
This Tutorial explains load function to import txt files to MATLAB. Also how to analyze & plot the imported data.
50Getting Started with Symbolic Math Toolbox In MATLAB
This is the introduction lecture to Symbolic Math Toolbox section which explains what are the symbolic math toolboxes, and how to start using them.
51Differentiation In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to use diff function to find the Differentiation of symbolic expressions.
52Limits In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to use limit function to find the Limit of symbolic expressions.
53Integration In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to use int function to find the Integration of symbolic expressions.
54Solving Algebraic Equations In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to use solve function to solve single & several Algebraic Equations.
55Solving Differential Equations In MATLAB
In this Tutorial you will learn how to use dsolve function to solve ordinary differential equations.
56Solving One Non Linear Equation In MATLAB Using Fzero Function
57Example 1 On Solving Multiple Non Linear Equations In MATLAB Using Fsolve
58Example 2 On Solving Multiple Non Linear Equations In Matlab Using Fsolve
59Application Multi Level Inverter Part 1
60Application Multi Level Inverter Part 2
61Introduction To MATLAB Simulations Using Simulink
62Half Wave Controlled Rectifier Principle Of Operation
63Simulation Of Half Wave Controlled Rectifier In MATLAB
64Bridge Controlled Rectifier Principle Of Operation
65Simulation Of Bridge Controlled Rectifier In MATLAB
66AC Chopper With R Load Principle Of Operation
67Simulation Of AC Chopper With R And RL Loads In MATLAB
68Buck Regulator Principle Of Operation Part 1
69Buck Regulator Principle Of Operation Part 2
70Simulation Of Buck Regulator In MATLAB
71Boost Regulator Principle Of Operation
72Simulation Of Boost Regulator In MATLAB
73Buck-Boost Regulator Principle Of Operation
74Simulation Of Buck-Boost Regulator In MATLAB
75Single Phase Half Bridge Principle Of Operation
76Simulation Of Single Phase Half Bridge Inverter In MATLAB
77Single Phase Bridge Principle Of Operation
78Simulation Of Single Phase Bridge Inverter In MATLAB
79Three Phase Inverter Obtaining The Line Voltage
80Three Phase Inverter Obtaining The Phase Voltage
81Simulation Of Three Phase Inverter In MATLAB
82Simulation Of Charging And Discharging Capacitor Using Matlab
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