Ultimate Electrical Power Engineering Distribution Course
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Welcome To Our Course “Complete Electrical Design Drawing Using Autocad, Dialux And ETAP”
This course is important for electrical power engineers who wants to work in the distribution field, this will guide you from zero even if you don’t know anything.
So what are we going to learn in this course ?
In this course we are going to learn all of the basic tools and commands required by electrical power engineers in Autocad, also we will learn all of the basic definitions about lighting .
We will differentiate between different types of electrical drawing, different lighting schemes and lighting situations.
We will learn about requirements for good lighting scheme, maintenance and utilization factors.
We will get an overview to the Steps we are going to use for lighting design also we will understand how to use catalogs and photo-metric data in Dialux.
We will learn how to do the manual calculation for lighting instead of Dialux.
We will start Interior Design Drawing by Taking a Factory floor and start creating rooms in Dialux then add luminaries to each of these rooms according to the Lux of Each room, we start creating control groups and add them to Emergency and Normal Light scenes then we will check the Lux and export DWG Files.
We will start wiring using Autocad and connect the luminaries with Wires and connect to panel.
Then we will add sockets normal and power sockets, do the wiring for them and connect them to the Panel.
We will start doing the panel schedule for our project.
We will then learn about circuit breakers and cables and how to select them for our project.
Finally we will calculate the voltage drop and short circuit analysis using ETAP.
We also going to learn about earthing system and how to design it.
If you have any Question, you can send me a message on Udemy.
Thank you.
1Introduction To Electrical Design Drawing
2Introduction to Autocad
3How to Get Free License from Autodesk and Activate Autocad ?
4Starting Autocad and Changing Background
5Drawing a Line in Autocad
6Drawing a Rectangle in Autocad
7Drawing a Circle in Autocad
8Drawing a Polygon in Autocad
9Drawing an Arc in Autocad
10Drawing a PolyLine in Autocad
11Multiple Lines using the Offset feature
12Adding Text to Autocad
13Extending Lines in Autocad
14Selection in Autocad
15F-shortcuts in Autocad
16Dimensions in Autocad
17Multi Spiral Line and MLD in Autocad
18Block and Explode Commands in Autocad
19Move and Scale Commands in Autocad
20Rotate ,Mirror and Fillet Commands in Autocad
21Area Calculation and Adding Layer in Autocad
22Saving your File and Autosave Feature
23Drawing Fluorescent Symbol Using Autocad
24Autocad Classic Mode and Workspace
25Introduction to Dialux
26Types of Electrical Drawings
27Different Lighting Situations
28Understand Different Lighting Schemes
29Properties of Good Lighting Scheme
30Important Definitions
31Maintenance and Utilization Factor
32Important Notes
33Steps of Project Design
34Manual Calculation of Lighting
35Understand Catalogs and Photo-metric Data
36Dialux Interior Design Task Part 1
37Dialux Interior Design Task Part 2
38Dialux Interior Design Task Part 3
39Wiring of Luminaries using Autocad
40Types of Sockets
41Adding and Wiring of Sockets in Autocad
42Panel Schedule for Power and Lighting Circuits
43Circuit breakers and Cable Selection
44Single Line Diagram Of Industrial Area And Riser Of The Residential Building
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