Blender 3D from zero to hero
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

If you want to learn 3D from zero, meaning no prior experience needed at all. Then youāve come to the right place. This course will teach you the fundamentals of 3D skills using Blender 2.8 or above. The curriculum in this course is carefully designed so that students can learn gradually from the easiest lesson to the more advanced lessons, seamlessly. After completing this course you should be able to model a construction robot like in the course cover image, add materials to it, create lights, and then render it using the EEVEE rendering engine.
You are going to learn so many things in this course. They are just too many to cover in this short introduction texts. But just for a quick summary. The course is divided into 4 parts.
Part 1: Blender essentials
Blenderās UI
Viewport navigation
Basic object operations
Basic transformation
Interaction modes
Basic mesh editing
Part 2: Look development
Viewport shading modes
Rendering engines
Creating and using materials
Basic CG concepts
Using camera object
Surface smooth shading
Screen space reflection inside EEVEE
Part 3: 3D modeling
Advanced transformation
Pivot point
Selection techniques
Inset, Extrude and Bevel
Knife and Bisect tools
Adding loop cuts
Patching holes
The basics of modifiers
Common 3D modeling mistakes
Normal direction
Manifold geometry
Point-to-point modeling techniques
Part 4: Construction robot project
Volume sketching
The Basics of grease pencil
Special movement operations
The basics of the curve objects
Basic rigging with FK (forward kinematics)
Create global illumination in EEVEE
There are many hands-on projects in course. Such as:
Custom monkey head model using basic mesh editing
Adding materials to the custom monkey head model
Modeling a kindergarten chair
Create vases using spin and screw methods
Create a roman column
Model a toy train by leveraging the vertex snapping feature
Model a coffee table
Create a robot in the final project section. Covers 3D modeling, material, lighting and rendering with EEVEE
So get the course now and take your first step into the world of 3D using Blender!
3UI introduction
4Editor and Area
5UI Size and Workspaces
6Mouse Viewport Navigation
7Viewport shading modes: Wireframe
8Alternative Navigation Methods
9Axis Viewpoints
10Basic Object Selection
113D Cursor
12Creating and Deleting Objects
13Viewport Settings
14Framing and Custom Shortcut
15Hiding objects and Local view mode
16Basic transformation
17Interaction modes
18Mesh sub-objects
19Basic mesh editing
20Monkey head challenge
21Monkey head project
22Viewport shading modes: Solid
23Viewport shading modes: LookDev
24The rendering engines
25Introduction to material
26Picking colors
27Color models
28Hexadecimal color code
29Basic material properties
30Material assignment
31Introduction to camera
32Camera framing and image resolution
33Rendering basics
34Bit per channel
35Surface smoothing
36Screen space effects
37Monkey head material challenge
38Monkey head material project
39Transformation shortcuts
40Transformation orientation
41Resetting transformation
42Pivot point
43Transforming with value input
44Object's dimension
45Selection tools
46Loop and ring selection
47Inset, Extrude & Bevel
48Knife and Bisect tool
49Loop cut and connecting vertices
50Delete and Dissolve
51Patching holes
52Subdividing and duplicating mesh
54Joining and separating objects
55Modifier basics
56Mirror modifier
57Project: Kindergarten chair
583D modeling common problems
59Normal direction
60Manifold geometry
61Point-to-point modeling
62Spin and Screw modifier
63Project: Roman column
64Vertex snapping
65Using reference image
66Project: Toy train | Part 1
67Project: Toy train | Part 2
68Origin and Local coordinate
69Coffee table challenge
70Coffee table project
71Straightening tilted objects
72What we're going to create
73Volume sketching
74Grease pencil details sketching
75Special movement operations
76The upper torso
77The lower torso
78Introduction to curve
79The arm
80The hand
81The thigh
82The calf
83The foot
84Fixing the pose
85Adding the materials
86Lighting and rendering with EEVEE
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