Autocad Continuous Learning - Autocad 2019
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews

Why this course is different
From the very first lecture after introduction you draw and edit drawings by yourself.
You will learn to draw like professionals using short cut ways of doing things.
I’m still Adding lectures for the course, So you can ask a question and I record a new lecture containing the answer; So you are participating in course construction.
By the end of the course, you’ll be comfortable with how to
create and edit basic geometry,
navigate through model
use Precision Tools
Edit object properties and manage layers
add dimensions to your drawings
create and edit text to accompany your drawing.
Plot And Publish your work
Learn AutoCad fast and easy by modeling and training on fundamentals through step by step tutorials and exercises on core basics you must learn first.
1User Interface
User interface
Open a new file
Work in metric units
Show and hide grids
Customize status bar and show and hide dynamic input toggle
Instructor deal with students
2Orthogonal Lines + Zoom
lines (orthogonal)
line snap to end point
mouse wheel (zoom - pan - zoom extents)
catch last drawn point
snap toggle(end point snap) -
3Inclined Lines + Save
Draw a line knowing length and angel
Draw a line knowing x-difference and y-difference
repeat last command
Save as.... -
4Object Snap Settings + Open Files
Open saved files
Start tab (Open files – Recent Documents)
Object Snap menu
Object Snap settings
F3…To ActivateDeactivate Object snap
Draw line by clicking snap signs in sequence you want
(end point snap - perpendicular snap - mid point snap) -
5Mirror + Select objects one by one
Show ribbon
Hide ribbon
Select objects one by one
Mirror objects deleting source
Mirror objects keeping source -
6Erase, Undo + Selection
erase icon in ribbon
erase shortcut
cross green dotted selection(rigth to left)
window blue continuous selection(left to right)
crossing lasso green dotted selection(rigth to left)
window lasso blue continuous selection(left to right)
7Switch between Lasso cross ,Lasso windows and Lasso fence
change lasso selection mode cycling between cross losso - window lasso - fence lasso
8Trim & Extend
draw line Knowing delta y and angle
trim using cutting edge
extend using boundary edge
9Black Black
autocad options
change autocad color scheme
change background of 2D model space
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