Architecture design and modelling skills for IT Architects
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The “Architecture design modelling technical skills IT Architects” course will provide the students a complete understanding what are the general and technical skills and competencies required to become a successful IT Architect including:
Technical Knowledge as the foundation for becoming an IT Architect
Architects as T-shaped professionals and what are the implications for their required breadth and depth of skills
Architecture design skills for each IT Architect type
Architecture modelling skills and how to select the modelling language based on the type of IT Architect you want to become
The Industry knowledge, its dimensions and how it applies to the various IT Architect roles
The Business knowledge its importance and how it relates to the industry knowledge
This lecture provides a description of the course including how the course fits into the series of 12 courses that composes the "Become an IT Architect" program.
2About the course
This lecture provides introductory information such as:
What is the audience for this course?
What does this course teach?
What will I be able to do after I complete this course?
What do I need to know before starting this course?
How long does it take to complete the course?
Where can I ask for help?
3Course objectives
This lecture describes the objectives for the course.
4About the instructor
This lecture provides information about the author of the course.
5Technical knowledge - foundation
The IT Architect roles requires a significant amount of technical knowledge. This lecture describes what is the foundation of this knowledge and what is the best way to achieve it.
6Prerequisite Technical knowledge
This lecture describes what is the technical knowledge considered prerequisite for the IT Architect role.
7Technical knowledge for Solution or System Architects.
This lecture provides examples of technical knowledge required for Application or Solution Architects.
8Technical Knowledge quiz
9Description and importance
This lecture provides the description of the T-Shape personality and why it is important for the IT Architect.
10Example: T-Shape for an Application Architect
This is an example of T-Shape Professional concept applied to an Application or Solution Architect.
The focus of this lecture is on how does the T-Shape personality concept apply to the business and technology domains.
12IT Architect depth of knowledge
This lecture discusses about how does the depth of knowledge for an IT Architect compare with the knowledge for the other IT roles such as developers, analysts, etc.
13IT Architect minimal Depth
This lecture discusses the important topic of the "minimal depth" of knowledge required for an IT Architect in order to be successful in his/her job.
14T-Shape applicability for IT Architect quiz
This quiz is testing the knowledge related to the T-Shape personality and why it is relevant for IT Architects
This lecture provides the definition of the architecture design skills and what is their scope for each of the IT Architect types.
This lecture provides more information about the foundation for the architecture design, including what are the key terms.
17Architecture design concepts
This lecture describes the main concepts of the architecture design and how they relate to each other.
18Architecture design - Examples
This lecture provides you examples of the architecture design skills for different types of IT Architecture such as:
Enterprise architecture
Solution architecture
Infrastructure architecture
19Infrastructure Architect - typical diagram
This lecture provides a couple of examples of typical diagrams produced by Infrastructure Architects.
20Business Architect - typical diagram
This lecture provides an example of a typical diagram produced by Business Architects together with an introduction to the basic concepts used by a Business Architect.
21Application Architect - typical diagram
This lecture expands on the example from the previous lecture and provides an example of a typical diagram produced by an Application Architect to show how the application services (or APIs) automate/realize/implement the business functions.
22Architecture design skills quiz
23Architecture models, viewpoints and views
This lecture provides the introduction to the architecture modelling skills including a description of the foundation for the various architecture modelling languages.
24Business Architecture modelling
This lecture describes the modelling languages most suited for business architecture.
25Application and Technology Architecture modelling
This lecture provides the description of the main modeling language (EML) used by IT Architects such as Application, Solution or Technology Architects.
26UML diagrams examples
This lecture walks you through an example of an sequence diagram, explores, a web site that contains tens of examples of UML diagram and discusses about the UML tools that you can use to create the diagram.s
27Data Architecture modelling
This lecture provides the description of Entity Relationship diagram (ERD) as the main modelling language used by Data Architects.
28ERD Diagram example
This lecture walks you through an example of an ERD diagram.
29Enterprise Architecture modelling
This lecture provides information about Archimate - modeling language use primarily by the Enterprise Architect
30Archimate diagrams examples
This lecture walks you through some examples of Archimate diagrams.
31Guidelines on choosing the modelling language
This lecture provides guidelines on how to choose the most appropriate modeling language based on the type of IT Architect and the diagrams/documentation you need to produce.
32How to create architecture design
This lecture focuses on the techniques to create the architecture design.
33Documenting the architecture
This lecture provides guidance on how to document the architecture including what views to select, how to document risks, structure and dynamic behavior, risks, etc.
34Design skills – breadth vs. depth
This lecture applies the breadth vs. depth concept to the architecture design skills, architecture frameworks and modelling languages.
35Architecture modelling skills quiz
This lecture provides the description of the industry knowledge concept.
37Industry knowledge - how it applies to IT Architects
This lecture discusses in detail how does the industry knowledge concept apply to the IT Architects.
38Industry knowledge examples
This lecture provides some examples of industry knowledge required for various IT Architects.
This lecture provides information on how the industry knowledge can be classified.
40Best use to use the industry knowledge for IT Architects
This lecture provides more information on how to use the industry knowledge to be a successful IT Architect.
This lecture provides the description of the business knowledge concept.
42Best way to obtain
This lecture discusses how can the the student obtain business specific knowledge to become an IT Architect.
This lecture provides some examples of business specific knowledge required for various IT Architects.
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