ANSYS ICEMCFD Hexa Basic course (Part 1)
Create high quality hexa meshes in ICEMCFD for accurate CFD simulation with 66 lectures and 12 comprehensive workshops
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In this course students will learn basics of hexa meshing along with geometry operations and various other options in ICEMCFD. After going through lectures, we will apply this knowledge in 10 workshops which are designed to give you hand on practice on different commands and method in ICEMCFD.
Recently I have added two more workshops on hexa meshing of 2D turbine and compressor blades with periodic boundaries. Here you will learn about the complex application of multiple O-Grids (C-Grid, Quarter O-Grid etc) along with shifted periodic concept.
After going this course you will be able to understand hexa meshing concept, geometry operations etc and apply them on real world problems.
Last updated: August 06, 2020
Creating and modifying geometry in ICEMCFD - Geometry operations in ICEMCFD
2General steps in CFD
3What is CFD?
4Mesh types in ICEMCFD and choosing best settings for mesh
5Mesh terminology in CFD
6Quality metrics in ICEMCFD and best practices for CFD
7Quality metrics in ICEMCFD and CFD
8ICEMCFD Graphical User Interface (GUI)
9File management in ICEMCFD and setting working directory
10Mouse functionality in ICEMCFD
11Most commonly used commands in ICEMCFD
12Geometry import through different formats
13Creating parts, setting up boundary conditions and mesh export
14Creating parts and geometry from mesh
Hexa meshing in ICEMCFD
16Creating and modifying points
17Creating and modifying curves
18Creating and modifying surfaces - 1
19Creating and modifying surfaces - 2
20Geometry transformation - Translate/Rotate/Mirror/scaling
21Material point creation and deleting geometry
22Creation of material point and geometry delete operations
23Surface and mesh normals and re-orienting mesh
24Build topology for geometry checking and creation of points and curves
Workshop 1 : 2D and 3D Geometry of concentric pipes with extended wall in fluid
25Introduction to hexa meshing concept in ICEMCFD
26Hexa meshing of square cylinder - example to explain blocking concept
27Color coding of vertices and edges
28Creating all types of blocks and Creating 2d block from vertices
29Creating 3D block from vertices, edges and faces
30Quarter O-grid from six vertices
31Degenerate block from six vertices
32Extrude face along curve to get block
33Creating blocking and mesh using top down approach for previous case
34Extrude with twist, fixed distance and interactive
35Creating 3d blocking from 2d by rotate option
362D to 3D blocking by rotation - Errors and remedies
372D to 3D blocking by rotation for 360 deg models - correct approach
382D to 3D blocking by rotation for 180 deg models - different approaches
392D to 3D blocking by translate
Workshop 2 - Geometry of 2D 90 deg bend with small inlet
Workshop 3: Creating geometry of S809 airfoil along with domain around it
Workshop 4 : Domain creation for NREL Phase VI horizontal axis wind turbine
45Problem description, geometry and other details
46General discussion on airfoils for wind turbines
47Creating and importing coordinates of S809 airfoil into ICEMCFD
48Fine tuning geometry of S809 airfoil
49Creating domain around S809 airfoil
50Creating surfaces and parts for S809 airfoil and domain
Workshop 5 : Hexa mesh of flat plate for external aerodynamics
51Problem description, introduction and background of NREL Phase 6 HAWT
52Overview of problem and ppt slides
53Creating inner domain (Rotating domain) with interfaces - session 1
54Creating inner domain (rotating domain) with interfaces - session 2
55Creating inner domain (rotating domain) with interfaces - session 3
56Creating inner domain (rotating domain) with interfaces - session 4
57Creating outer domain (stationary domain) with interfaces - session 1
58Creating outer domain (stationary domain) with interfaces - session 2
59Assignment 4
60What's next?
Worship 6 : Hexa mesh inside square - Uniform and non uniform meshes
Workshop 7 :Hexa meshing inside Circle, semi circle and quarter circle
Workshop 8: Hexa meshing of axi-symmetric pipe
71Problem description and geometry details
72How to use downloadable material for workshop effectively
73Creating circle geometry in ICEMCFD
74Initial blocking and premesh
75Creation of O-grid and mesh quality improvement
76Mesh smoothing to increase orthogonal quality of mesh cells
77Blocking and pre-mesh for half circle geometry
78Blocking and pre-mesh for quarter circle
79Mesh Export and further discussion on best practices for hexa meshing
80Geometry creation for Assignment
81Blocking and premesh for Assignment (Please first attempt yourself)
Workshop 9: Hexa meshing around circular cylinder for external aerodynamics
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
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Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
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