Ansys Fluent = Learn how to use the Ansys Fluent effectively
- Description
- Curriculum
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This course is a perfect fusion of CFD theory and software exposure. This course explicitly focuses on solver and post-processing part oF typical CFD process using simulation tools Ansys Fluent. Each chapter has specific workshop for doing more practice.
Following topic will be covered in this course;
Chapter 1= Learning basic steps for CFD Analsys with Ansys Fluent, Launching Ansys Fluent, Fluent Graphic User Interface, using the Ribbons to guide the workflow of the Fluent session, showing the main tabs such as Setting Up domain, check mesh quality, display.Doing more practice with Workshop model section.
Chapter 2= Specifically focus the “Setting Up Physics” section such as how to define Material Properties, cell zone, boundary conditions, operating Condition and Solver type.Doing more practice with Workshop model section.
Chapter 3 = Learn how to use the ribbons in the Post-processing section and learn how to do quantitative and qualitative flow performance of the system with using both CFD Post and Fluent also learn how to create graphical objects such as mesh, contour, vector,pathlines, Composing and displaying scenes using scene objects, Alphanumeric post processing of fluxes and integral quantities Defining new variables using custom field functions and creating x-y plot , check the residuals in the Plot section and show how to use animation tools in the CFD Post and Fluent.Doing more practice with Workshop model section.
Chapter 4 = how to specify the solver and choose methods and controls, how to initialize the solutions, how to use the report definitions to monitor and judge converge and talk details in Solving Ribbon such as Method, Controls, residuals, initialization, Calculate section and converge criteria.Doing more practice with Workshop model section.
Chapter 5 = Defining Inlet/Outlet parameter, Parameter Management, working with design points, design point update,retain and initialization.Doing more practice with Workshop model section.
3Introduction to Ansys Fluent Tutorial
Chapter:1=Overview of the CFD Process
What is CFD
How does CFD Work
Define Your Modeling Goal
Identify the Domain You will Model
Create a Solid Model of the Domain
Design and Create a Mesh
Set-up the Solver
Compute the Solution
Examine the Result
Consider Revisions to the Model
Chapter 02: Setting Up Domain
Graphical User Interface(GUI)
Demo 1: Pipe
4Ansys Fluent Air Monifold Workshop
Using the steps,specified below, to simulate your model from scratch..
Define Your Modeling Goal
Identify the Domain You will Model
Create a Solid Model of the Domain
Design and Create a Mesh
Set-up the Solver
Compute the Solution
Examine the Result
Consider Revisions to the Model
5Setting Up Physics Tutorial
Setting up Physics
How to define material properties
How to define cell zone conditions in Fluent including solid zones and porous media
The different boundary condition types in Fluent and how to use them
How to specify well-posed boundary conditions
Porous Zone
6Ansys Fluent Setting Up Physics Workshop
Setting Up Domain Workshop
Simplify the Model
Create a Mesh
Defining Physical Model such as Turbulance and Energy
Selecting Material Property
Defining Boundary Conditions
Setting up solution monitors
Running the simulation
Post Processing
7Ansys Post-processing Tutorial
Fluent Post-processing Tools
CFD Post Application
XY Plot
Interpolated Data
Surface Integrals
Volume Integrals
Demo 2: Mixing Tee
8Ansys Postprocessing Workshop
Postprocessing Workshop
Creating surfaces for postprocessing
Creating graphics objects such as contours and vectors
Composing and displaying scenes using scene objects
Alphanumeric postprocessing of fluxes, forces and integral quantities
Defining new variables using custom field functions
Basic usage of CFD-Post
9Ansys Fluent Solving Tutorial
Solver Type
Pressure Based
Density Based
Under-relaxation Factor
Solution Controls
Solution Method
Standard Initialization
Hybrid Initialization
FMG Initialization
Starting from a Previous Solution
Interpolation Methods for Pressure
Body Force Weighted
Discretization (Interpolation Methods)
First-Order Upwind
Second-Order Upwind
Upstream-Centered Schemes for Conservation Laws (MUSCL)
Quadratic Upwind Interpolation (QUICK)
Interpolation Methods (Gradients)
Green-Gauss Cell-Based
Green-Gauss Node-Based
Least-Squares Cell-Based
Demo : Manifold
10Ansys Fluent Solving Workshop
Workshop= Solving
Effect of discretization
What to do when convergence problems are encountered
What to do if the residuals converge but report plots are still changing
How to make full use of Report Definitions
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